Things You Didn’t Know About Serial Killers
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, April 5, 2024
First, just how many are black.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee.
Most people think virtually every serial killer has been white. Almost all blacks probably agree with Nickole Cunningham, who is on San Franco’s committee to figure out how much the city owes blacks in reparations.
As she said last year, “Straight white men are serial killers. . . . I watch these shows — the most serial killers. . . . So they are a danger to society. . . [but] Not all of them.”
And it’s true that we still get headlines like “Why are so many serial killers white men?”
But even the FBI has a report that says this is a myth:
“Contrary to popular belief, serial killers span all racial groups. . . . The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population.”
Except that it doesn’t mirror the racial mix at all.
As we will find later in this remarkable report, since 1900, there has not been any time when blacks were not over-represented among serial killers, and in the 2010s and 2020s, blacks have been eight times more likely than whites to be serial killers.
Wouldn’t think that from reading the news, would you?
In fact, the two American serial killers with the largest number of kills — the top two — are both black men. I’ll start with a guy you’ve never heard of, Carl Eugene Watts.
As Wikipedia notes, he is “suspected of being the most prolific serial killer in United States history” and “the number of his victims may have exceeded 100.” As Wikipedia also admits, “Most of his victims were thin, attractive, white women” and they were between the ages of 14 and 44.
Watts did his killing in the ’70s and ’80s and got away with so many for several reasons.
He tortured the women — some died after he had stabbed them as many as 50 times — but he did not rape them and therefore never left DNA.
Also, his killings didn’t fit a pattern: “he used methods such as strangulation, stabbing, bludgeoning, and drowning” and he approached victims in different ways, so police didn’t associate the killings with each other.
Don’t you think the name of America’s number-one, champion serial killer should be better known? If Carl Watts had been white and killed 100 pretty black women, we’d all know his name.
Samuel Little is better known. “California inmate confesses to being a serial killer responsible for about 90 deaths.”
This guy had a pattern, but he was a drifter who committed crimes in 24 states from 1970 to 2005.
Mostly he killed prostitutes, many of them drug addicts. He had been a competitive boxer. He knocked them out or stunned them, and then masturbated as he strangled them. He would dump the body and then leave town. Since the bodies had no obvious wounds, police often thought the women had overdosed.
Little was an early devotee of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
He was also an artist and had a near-photographic memory for his victims. These are sketches he made of some of them victims, years after killing them.

Click here for a high-resolution version.
These women had all been unidentified, but his images were so good, some were actually used to ID women who had until then been known only as “Jane Doe.”
Little had no remorse and loved talking about his killings. A detective who interviewed him said, “He actually gets excited about describing his homicides and describing how he strangled his victims.”
Little, who was serving a life sentence, died peacefully in 2020, age 80.
Billy Chemirmir, also relatively well known, didn’t practice diversity.
He was charged with killing 24 elderly Texas women, but probably killed many more, perhaps even as many as 100.
All appear to have been white, with a sprinkling of Asians. From 2016 to 2018, he talked his way into the apartments of women in retirement homes, smothered them with a pillow, stole their jewelry, and sold it on eBay. He, too, left no DNA, and his victims were also often pronounced dead of natural causes — even though family members complained to police about missing jewelry.
Just to make it a truly all-American story, Chemirmir was an illegal immigrant from Kenya who got a green card by marrying an American. I couldn’t find out whether it was a sham marriage.
Chemirmir went to trial several times, but once in 2021 he got a hung jury: “11-to-1 Jury Spurs Mistrial for Accused Noncitizen Serial Killer.”
Just one juror — I could not learn the race or sex — refused to listen to arguments from other jurors and held out for acquittal. Victims’ families later spoke to the media. They were all white.
Chemirmir was later found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Last year, he apparently made sexual comments about his cellmate’s children — and the man killed him.
Another well-known black serial killer was the “Beltway Sniper,” John Muhammad, who terrorized the Washington, DC area for 10 months in 2002.
He and his protégé Lee Malvo, who was 17 at the time, killed 17 people and wounded 10 more people.
They rigged a sniper’s nest in the back part of this Chevy Caprice and fired through a hole in the tailgate.
There was such terror in the region that people stayed indoors, knelt down behind tires while they pumped gas, and sprinted from parking lots into stores.
At trial in 2006, young Malvo testified — and the American press almost uniformly failed to report “The sniper’s plan: kill six whites a day for 30 days.”
Muhammad told his sidekick he hated America because of “slavery, hypocrisy and foreign policy” and because he believed “the white man is the devil.” He also told him to aim for pregnant white women. Muhammad had a plan to recruit more young blacks, train them to shoot, and sow terror across the country.
This is a jail-house drawing by Lee Malvo showing the White House in the cross hairs and two missiles about to hit it.

Credit Image: © Lee Boyd Malvo/Fairfax Co. Circuit Court via ZUMA Wire
John Muhammad got a lethal injection in 2009; Lee Malvo got a life sentence because he was a minor at the time of shootings.

Credit Image: © Davis Turner/CNP via ZUMA Wire
Here’s a story worthy of the big screen. In 1983, this inseparable pair, Abron Scott and Amos Robinson, killed two white girls and a Hispanic man and a Hispanic woman.
They raped the women with particular brutality.
In 2022, the two were doing life in prison for another joint murder when rape-kit evidence proved they had killed the white girls. So far, so unremarkable — except that it turned out that this guy, Robert Duboise, had been found guilty for killing one of the whites when he was 18, and had spent 37 years in the big house.
Here he is with family members the day he got out.
Wouldn’t this be an exciting screen drama about justice long denied? Except that it’s only innocent blacks who ever go to jail for the crimes of whites, right? So you could never sell this story.
I’ll tell you about just two more cases. John Floyd Thomas probably raped and strangled as many as 30 older women in the 1970s and 1980s.
When he was arrested in 2009, police called him LA’s “largest ever” serial killer.
He was in and out of prison, but when he was out, he sneaked into the homes of older, lower income women living alone — mostly widows — raped them and strangled them.
Every victim with which he was associated was white. I can find photos of only two.
His oldest victim was 92, likewise raped and murdered. DNA finally caught up with him. He has been in the big house since 2009 and is 87 years old.
And then there is Frederick Demond Scott, who killed five white men and one white woman in the Kansas City area in 2016, when he was 23.
He shot most of his victims on the Indian Creek jogging trail.
Here are the five men he killed.
Two years before he started killing, he was attending an alternative school. He said he wanted to shoot up the school, Columbine-style, and kill all white people. The last trace of him on the internet is two years ago: “Fredrick Scott gets new attorney, trial set for June 2023.”
I guess it’s just not big news when a guy says he wants to kill all white people, but manages to bag only six of us. He was just three shy of Dylann Roof’s body count, but never made the big time.

Credit Image: © Whitehotpix/ZUMA Wire
But let’s get the big picture from this detailed report, which I mentioned earlier and recommend very highly. Here are the percentages, by race, of American serial killers for every decade since 1900, with whites and blacks in the two left-hand columns.
As you can see, since 2000, whites have been only about 33 or 34 percent of serial killers and blacks are well over 50 percent. As it says at the top, these figures don’t include “organizational” killers — that would be gang or cult killers — who would almost all be black. In the third column from the left, there is a moderate percentage of Hispanic serial killers, but then not much of anyone else.
This table shows the race of victims chosen by black and white serial killers. The blue highlighted row is the percentage who killed only whites.
That would be 81.9 percent of white killers, while 17.8 percent of black killers also killed only whites. The yellow line shows that only 1.2 percent of white serial killers killed only blacks, and that 43.4 percent of blacks did. The 17.8 percent of blacks who killed only whites makes some of the examples I gave earlier seem cherry-picked. However, the figures in this table are for all serial killings since1900. I suspect that since the ’60s and into the 2000s, the percentage of blacks who kill only whites has increased substantially.
There is a lot more to say about serial killers. And I’ll say it. But not until next week. In the meantime, don’t take any guff about serial killers being white. For the last 120 years, the percentage of black serial killers has always been higher than their percentage in the population. And now, close to 60 percent are black. It’s time the media — and popular conception — caught up with the facts. But you could say that about a lot of things, couldn’t you?