Tucker Carlson Denounces the New York Times for Threatening His Family’s Safety and Times Responds July 21, 2020 “Nice little house ya’ got here. Shame if something happened to it.”
Big City Police Forces Being Denuded of Working Cops July 11, 2020 In New York City, they are filing for retirement. In Minneapolis, they are filing for disability.
Tucker Carlson, Now Officially the King of Cable News, Delivers Historic Challenge to GOP July 1, 2020 "Don't get caught in pointless debates about whether or not this is a racist country."
DA Charges Violent Protesters in Oklahoma City With ‘Terrorism,’ ‘Rioting’ and ‘Assault’ June 29, 2020 “This is not Seattle,” he said.
Trump-Supporting Black Dem Georgia State Rep Changes His Mind, Won’t Resign April 25, 2020 All politics is racial politics.
Peter Buttigieg Nods in Agreement as Crackpot Reverend Claims Illegals Are Recovering Stolen Land December 3, 2019 His bid to be the most anti-white of the white candidates continues apace.
Kamala Harris’s Staff Quits and Tells Media Her Campaign is a Disaster December 2, 2019 One top staffer just left to work for Michael Bloomberg's campaign.
Video: Maxine Waters: Ben Carson Doesn’t Have the Intelligence to Be HUD Secretary November 27, 2019 When one black person suggests another black person is dumb, is racism a factor?
Pipe-Wielding Somali ‘Youths’ Attacked People Waiting for Light Rail Train in Minneapolis May 21, 2019 They seemed to be "attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white."
Black College Student Arrested for Fake Hate Crime December 3, 2018 Crimes were still a “symptom of racism on campus.”
Oops! 100,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in Pennsylvania February 27, 2018 Pennsylvania's State Department refuses to allow inspection of its voting records.
Latest Hate Crime Stats Show African Americans More Likely than Whites to Commit Hate Crimes November 14, 2017 FBI stats must be adjusted for population.
Denmark Tells UN No More Refugee Quotas September 11, 2017 They don't want to become like their neighbors . . .
Studies Show the Negative Consequences of ‘Competitive Victimhood’ August 2, 2017 We are shocked, shocked, to find these results.
Check Your ‘Cognitive Privilege,’ All You Smart People! July 31, 2017 Lefty accidentally admits: "We now know that intelligence is not something we have significant control over but is something we are born with."
MSNBC Analyst Calls ICE Director “Head of a Violent Gang,” “the Deadliest” July 28, 2017 Joan Walsh, no less.
Evergreen State College to Face $3.8 Million Lawsuit From Prof. Bret Weinstein and Wife July 26, 2017 The left continues to fight itself.
Trudeau Government to Revise Canada’s Citizenship Test, No Longer Ban ‘Barbaric Cultural Practices’ or Require a Job July 25, 2017 But "respecting treaties with Indigenous Peoples" is mandatory.
Sicilian Mafia Reportedly Declares War on Muslim Refugees Overrunning Its Turf July 6, 2017 Mafia says police are targeting them, but letting African gangs run wild.
Philly’s First Black DA Shocks Judge, Suddenly Pleads Guilty During Trial, Led Out of Court in Handcuffs and Off to Jail June 30, 2017 Among many other crimes, he "misappropriated" money intended for his mother's nursing home care.
Soros Scores a Triumph in Philadelphia May 18, 2017 Another anti-police district attorney in his pocket.
If Bush Were Still President, This Would Be a Huge Story September 21, 2015 Children with cancer cleared out of Lafayette Park to to make way for POTUS.
Florida TV Station Documents Ineligible Voters as DOJ Sues to Prevent State from Purging Rolls March 13, 2014 DOJ says a purge would discriminate against minorities.