Choose Love: The Night of the White Cornerback February 10, 2025 The NFL had no white starting cornerback for 20 years.
Are Law Schools Above the Law? December 23, 2024 "Is America ready for blacks to only get their rightful 1 percent of the spots in superelite institutions . . . ?"
Race and Rome November 26, 2024 "There was a trickle of blacks into the classical Mediterranean world, mostly from east Africa. But not many."
Florida University to Host Extremist After DeSantis-Led Lurch to Right September 30, 2024 The Guardian points and sputters.
David Reich Vindicates Cochran & Harpending’s ‘10,000 Year Explosion’ September 17, 2024 Natural selection can happen quickly — including for intelligence.
The Far Right Is Becoming Obsessed With Race and IQ August 21, 2024 The Atlantic worries that people are "noticing."
Afrochemistry at Rice U. January 10, 2024 "Students will apply chemical tools and analysis to understand Black life in the U.S."
Mind the Gap June 6, 2023 “Racial intelligence differences are real, large, crucial for understanding American society, and not going away anytime soon.”
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time May 25, 2022 "The Floyd fiasco has been the domestic policy equivalent of the Iraq invasion: a massive, self-inflicted national wound."
FBI: Blacks Made up 55.9% of Known Murder Offenders in 2019 September 29, 2020 Thirteen do 50? More like 13 do 56.
Low White Birthrate: This Isn’t Going to Get Better in 2021 May 26, 2020 Steve Sailer examines the bad news.
Chicago Confirmed Case Rates by Neighborhood April 7, 2020 Blacks have the highest rates; Hispanics the lowest.
San Francisco Still Prioritizing Fighting Stigma Rather Than Coronavirus March 31, 2020 Pattern recognition is always dangerous.
Affirmative Licensing: Step One of Medical Licensing Exam Made Pass-Fail February 19, 2020 Blacks score lower, so no more scoring.
The Science of Racing: All 143 Men Who Have Run 100 Meters in Under 10 Seconds by Race and Country February 13, 2020 The list has fewer Africans than you think.
VICE: It’s Racist That Nordic Dwarf Greta Thunberg Is the Face of Climate Change Activism Instead of a Woman of Color, Such As, Say, Me February 12, 2020 Do whites care more about the environment than non-whites?
Moral Support for Suicide by Race January 29, 2020 Whites are almost twice as likely as blacks to believe assisted suicide is moral.
Christian McCaffrey Only White NFL Player in Top 100 Total Yards Seasons of All Time January 27, 2020 White running back has the third highest single-season total for yards from scrimmage.
The Extinct “Ghost Modern” Race of Africa and the Bantu Expansion Genocide January 24, 2020 What's the politically correct word for "pygmy?"
The Old, Weird Africa: Ancient Pygmy DNA Uncovered by David Reich January 23, 2020 And the NYT's squeamishness about reporting it.
Is the Per Capita Black / White Murder Offender Ratio Not 7.4X but 11.7X? January 20, 2020 A study which disaggregated Hispanics from whites suggests as much.
Squad Member Opens New Front in World War Hair January 17, 2020 Theory vs. reality of intersectionality.
Memoryholed: Bret Stephens’s IQ Article December 31, 2019 Some scientific facts are more equal than others.
How Long Ago Was the Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans? December 27, 2019 Perhaps as little as 3,400 years ago.
Genuine Historians Denounce NYT’s “1619” Project December 23, 2019 Fake history in the service of ideology.
Amy Klobuchar: “We Are Not Going to be Able to Succeed in the World if We Do Not Invite Everyone to be Part of Our Economy” December 20, 2019 White presidential hopeful addresses the Great Replacement.
The Good Old Days Are Here Again in California: Smashing Car Windows is Back in Style December 18, 2019 Politicians' focus is on reducing criminal convictions.
Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones, RIP December 2, 2019 Both of the Britons who died in their homeland's last Islamist terrorist attack were white ethno-masochists.
Michael Bloomberg: US Needs “An Awful Lot More Immigrants” November 29, 2019 Immigrants: "improve our culture, our cuisine, our religion, our dialogue and certainly improve our economy.”
Black NYPD Officers 3.1x More Likely to Shoot People Than Nonblack NYPD Officers at the Same Crime Scene November 26, 2019 3.3 times more likely.
FBI: Homicides Down 6% in 2018 over 2017 October 2, 2019 But the share of murders committed by blacks is up significantly.
‘Global Ancestry and Cognitive Ability’ — A New Study of Racial Admixture and IQ Scores September 6, 2019 Study finds 20-25 percent of the black-white IQ gap may be explained by known intelligence-related gene variants.
New York Times: “The Intersection of Race and Blood” May 16, 2019 Race? Did the New York Times say race?
Chetty: Affluent Black Males Much More Crime-Prone, Whites at Fault March 20, 2018 Researchers offer the clues to their own enigma.
Why Is the White-Black Gap So Huge in Law Schools? March 16, 2018 Blacks at top law schools have worse qualifications than whites at mid-range schools.
President Trump’s Murder Report Card January 11, 2018 The Trump administration may be reversing the "Ferguson effect."
The Trump Report Card — So Far August 21, 2017 Peter Brimelow's full speech from the 2017 AmRen conference.
‘Islamophobia,’ According To London Police July 25, 2017 Example: Seeing Islam as "separate" and "other."
Dear Bret Stephens: Why Not Treat America as Well as Israel? July 20, 2017 Hypocrisy at the New York Times.
Sociologists Worry that Nonwhites are too Well Informed About Importance of Genetics May 16, 2017 Brainwashing not working as expected.
Video: Liberal NYU Professor Complete Meltdown at Gavin Mcinnes Protest February 6, 2017 And the crowd gives her a cheer.
How a Young Black Man Became a Race Realist January 6, 2017 It is the only view of the world that makes sense.
The Asian-White NAEP Test Score Gaps by State October 30, 2015 Asians outscore whites in most states.
Obama, Trump, and Daffy Duck August 12, 2015 Is a goal of new federal housing rules to increase the pace of gentrification?
Uncovered: Puerto Rico’s PISA Scores (They’re Horrific) August 3, 2015 Hardly any students scored in the top three ranges in math.
The World’s Most Important Graph April 23, 2015 Map of population trends for Europe and Africa puts Mediterranean debate in perspective.
The Atlantic: ‘Madison, Wisconsin, Is Not Ferguson, Missouri’ March 10, 2015 Policing in liberal Madison is even more racially lopsided.
The Eric Holder Challenge: Can You Find a City Where Blacks Aren’t Arrested More Often? March 5, 2015 Every city in the US may be guilty.
The Hispanic Housing Bubble in Graphs February 16, 2015 Hispanic home prices led both the bubble and the crash.
The Return of the Inadequate Black Mother November 21, 2014 Education theorists grasp at an old straw.
Obama and The Bell Curve October 1, 2014 The book, published 20 years ago, was really about the rise of a cognitive elite.
Evidence Against Interest: The Minority Role in the Housing Bubble October 1, 2014 Maps show how increased lending to non-whites preceded the housing crisis.
Hispanics Led The Housing Bubble, Blacks Did Not January 17, 2014 Chart shows how Hispanic home values soared--then plummeted--over the past decade.
Dress for Bias January 2, 2013 Crazy settlement to aggrieved black man finally thrown out after eight years.
“Racial Differences in Narcissistic Tendencies” November 2, 2012 Blacks have higher levels of self-esteem and narcissism than whites.
Obama V. Romney Demographics: Draw Your Own Conclusions October 30, 2012 Chart shows the demographic reality of American presidential politics.
I Am Shocked, SHOCKED to Learn That Countrywide Financial’s Loan Practices Were Lax October 25, 2012 Company that tried to "boost minority lending" now pays the price.
The Triumph of 1970s Liberalism in a Graph October 5, 2012 Whites have abandoned Boston public schools.