Why Reparations for Slavery Could Help Boost the Economy June 5, 2014 They could be a "pilot program for a new America."
The Case for Reparations: An Intellectual Autopsy May 23, 2014 Four years ago, Ta-Nehisi Coates opposed reparations. He's changed his mind.
Holder Urges Young People to Consider Careers at Justice Department April 28, 2014 Especially if they are non-white.
Glaring Limits of the Civil Rights Act: We Need to Redistribute Wealth April 15, 2014 "Anti-discrimination" isn't enough.
Caribbean Adopts Plan to Seek Slavery Reparations March 12, 2014 They need money to heal their collective "psychological trauma."
Jamaicans Lead Caribbean Calls for Britain to Pay Slavery Reparations February 25, 2014 They want billions in reparations.
In Accounting for Slavery’s Cost, Figures Vary Widely October 28, 2013 Caribbean countries want reparations from France, Britain, and the Netherlands.
14 Caribbean Nations Sue Britain, Holland and France for Slavery Reparations October 10, 2013 They want hundreds of billions of pounds.
Pastors Urge Kirk to Support Slave Reparations Bill September 4, 2013 The senator must make amends after threatening to round up gang members.
Caribbean Nations Seeking Compensation for Slavery July 26, 2013 14 former colonies want apologies--and money--from Britain, France and the Netherlands.
Britain to Compensate Kenyan Victims over Colonial-Era Torture June 10, 2013 And what about all the people the Mau Mau hacked to death?
USDA Hikes Discrimination Awards for Hispanics February 13, 2012 Hispanics got only $50,000, so they will be back for the bigger handouts.
Free Meals for All Detroit Schoolchildren in Fall August 17, 2011 With everyone getting free lunches, no one is "stigmatized."
Mayoral Candidates Go After Emanuel on Taxes, Slavery Reparations February 11, 2011 Does Chicago's next mayor really support reparations for slavery?
Europe Faces Pressure to Pay Slavery Reparations May 10, 2010 If slavery was a crime, then there should be reparations.
Ending the Slavery Blame-Game April 23, 2010 Noted beer summiteer discusses the role of Africans in the slave trade.
Black Farmers Call on Congress to Pay Racial Bias Settlement April 22, 2010 They just can't get their money soon enough.
With New Homes, Town Makes Amends for Its Bias March 11, 2010 Michigan city atones with subsidies for blacks to buy or rent new houses.
Halifax Offers $3M Payout to Former Black Community February 22, 2010 "Urban renewal" a problem for Canada, too.
Descendants of American Slaves Forge New Lives in World Premiere Ten Square, in Chicago September 9, 2009 Slavery reparations agit-prop.
America’s Money-Grubbing, Racial Extortionists July 1, 2009 Black columnist disgusted by reparations shakedown.
Senate Call for Slavery Apology Meets Unlikely Foe June 19, 2009 Apology not enough: Congressional Black Caucus demands reparations.
Mourners Remember Ray Jenkins, the Father of Reparations April 17, 2009 "Reparations Ray" began clamoring for slavery compensation in 1967.
Did John Hope Franklin Want $100 Trillion for Blacks? April 8, 2009 Franklin: Apologies are not enough. Give us more cash.
Socialists Call for Reparations October 27, 2008 African professor: Reparations "our right" because of slavery.
Reopening Black Farmers’ Suits Could Cost Billions July 9, 2008 More blacks file suit as government payout continues to increase.
Too Many Episcopalians Were Silent on Slavery, Massachusetts Bishop Tells Congressional Committee December 19, 2007 Bishop Shaw: Episcopalians didn’t speak up "when God wanted them to."
Whites Underestimate The Costs Of Being Black, Study Finds June 26, 2007 Many whites would prefer being black to giving up TV.
N.Y.’s Apology for Slavery Is Readied for ‘Juneteenth’ June 14, 2007 New York jumps on the apology bandwagon.
Alabama Governor Signs Resolution Apologizing For Slavery May 31, 2007 Sponsor: Slavery has been kept in the closet, but now it’s out.
House Push Grows For Slavery Apology May 31, 2007 90 cosponsors for federal measure to apologize for slavery, other evils.
JPMorgan Chase Slavery Apology to Be Challenged at Company’s Annual Meeting May 14, 2007 "Apology" accompanies $5 million "donation" to black scholarship fund.
Slavery: Many Apologies, But No Reparations — Yet May 9, 2007 Blacks will never forget slavery as long as they can make whites feel guilty about it.
Is An Apology Due For Slavery In America? January 30, 2007 Once there is an apology for slavery, blacks will stop killing each other.
Slavery Bicentenary Amnesty Call January 5, 2007 Illegal Jamaican immigrants want UK citizenship to commemorate abolition of the slave trade.
Appeals Court Keeps Hope Alive For Reparations Suit December 15, 2006 Companies could be liable if they concealed ties to slavery.
Activists Say Blair’s Slavery Sorrow Not Enough November 28, 2006 But "black rights" organization demands cash. And apology. And compulsory education. And more cash.
Reparations for Blacks Topic at Bay Area Events November 6, 2006 Reparations proponents claim that Western wealth "is built on slavery of African people.”
J.P. Morgan & Co. Sued For Profiting From Slavery September 27, 2006 Blacks want to "secure restitution of ill-gotten gains."
Slavery Reparations Gaining Momentum July 10, 2006 Reparations movement "is growing in significance rather than declining."
Reparations Resolutions Begin Moving Through Process June 19, 2006 Episcopal Church considers reparations so as “to build something of the Kingdom of God.”
Panel: N.C. Should Pay for 1898 Race Riot June 1, 2006 State-appointed panel says reparations due for riot that chased 2,000 blacks out of Wilmington.
John Conyers: U.S. Owes Slavery Reparations May 10, 2006 Black congressman introduces bill for hearings on reparations.
Mass Eviction To Mexico In 1930s Spurs Apology December 30, 2005 California apologizes for deporting Mexicans and may pay reparations.
Bills Seeking Reparations, Limiting Foreclosures Clear Hurdles September 7, 2005 Cal. state assembly passes bill to give reparations to Mexicans deported in 1930s.
Other Groups Still Battling for Reparations August 26, 2005 13 racial and ethnic groups have filed for reparations against the Canadian government.
Cash Joins Symbolism as Penance for Slavery July 26, 2005 White expressions of penance encourage blacks to ask for money.
NAACP to Target Private Business July 12, 2005 Black advocacy group will seek slavery reparations from corporations.
U.S. Judge Dismisses Slave Reparations Suit July 7, 2005 Illinois suit demanded reparations from corporations.
Wachovia Agrees To Contribution in Wake of Slavery Report June 6, 2005 Bank will make contribution for black history education.
Wachovia Apologizes For Slavery Ties June 2, 2005 Another bank apologizes for slavery to get business from Chicago government.
Reparation Fund Set For Depression-Era Mexican Deportations June 2, 2005 Cal. Senate passes bill that would give reparations to Mexicans deported in the '40s.
Man Barred from Making Slavery Tax Claims April 19, 2005 Tax-preparer suspended for giving blacks slavery reparations credits.
Burke: Tillman Offers ‘Smoke,’ No Fire, On Bank of America Slave Ties March 7, 2005 Black Chicago alderman goes after another bank for ties to slavery.
Richmond Cuts Fiscal Ties To Slavery February 28, 2005 California town won't do business with financial institutions who took slaves as collateral.
Confronting Slavery’s Legacy February 4, 2005 JP Morgan apologizes because its 1830s predecessors took slaves as collateral.
Reparations Leaders Rip Bank’s Scholarship Offer January 26, 2005 JPMorgan efforts to atone for involvement with slavery derided by reparations activists.
Racism Conference Vows to Pursue Reparations for Slavery October 7, 2004 Conference concludes that all blacks in the world are eligible to sue whites for slavery.
Reparations For Internment Were Just A Curtsy To Political Correctness September 7, 2004 Reagan gave reparations to Japanese relocated during WWII, but not to whites.