Archive | Racial Identity | Page 7

Which Way, Western Man?

September 8, 2019
A new form of political organization may be needed to save Western Civilization.

Blood and Soil

August 4, 2019
The world-wide struggle for ethnic dominance.

The White Man’s Burden

April 14, 2019
An appeal to white racial solidarity, written when such an appeal was still respectable.

Race in America 2019

April 9, 2019
74 percent of blacks — but just 15 percent of whites — see race as central to their identity.

Studying the Racialists

March 3, 2019
Carol Swain tries to understand us in The New White Nationalism in America.

Who’s a Jew?

February 28, 2019
Rabbinical courts are asking some immigrants to take DNA tests to prove their Jewish heritage.