A Debate Over Identity and Race Asks, Are African-Americans ‘Black’ or ‘black’? June 27, 2020 And what about capitalizing "white"?
A Young White Man’s Struggle with Identity June 13, 2020 From drugs and crime to fatherhood and MAGA.
Motherhood Changed the Way I See Race May 16, 2020 "Over the past 20 years I have raised the most reviled creature on the planet — a healthy white male."
The New Racism: Excluding Whites May 3, 2020 Today, what is called racism depends on who is doing it.
Race in the French Foreign Legion April 25, 2020 Another example of the failures of multiculturalism.
Norwegian Girl Disappointed to Discover She’s ‘So White’ April 24, 2020 As she says, we live in a “crazy world.”
Black Like Who? April 17, 2020 Interview about the differences between African immigrants, Afro-Caribbeans, and black Americans.
I’m Darker Than My Daughter. Here’s Why It Matters. April 17, 2020 Daughter prefers the way her white father looks.
Erased From Utopia: The Hidden History of LA’s Black and Brown Resistance April 16, 2020 An extract from radical historian Mike Davis' latest book.
The Despair of Being Mixed-Race April 11, 2020 "It is not a virtue to have a 'multifaceted identity;' it is a burden."
The Immigration Policy That Might Have Been April 5, 2020 A reply to Lynne Richards' review of "The Path to National Suicide."
Going to a Black School Made Me Proud to Be White March 28, 2020 "Nobody deserves to have a childhood like mine."
Trump: The First Black President March 11, 2020 "Not because of the color of his skin, but because of the content of his administration’s victories."
Spike Lee Compares Black Trump Supporters to Slaves March 5, 2020 "Massa, We Love You Massa. We Gonna Pray Fo' You Massa, Singing- 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.'”
I Was Liberal Until I Lived in a Los Angeles Barrio. Now I’m a Race Realist. February 29, 2020 Multiculturalism is far from paradise.
Ruminations on Racial Differences February 27, 2020 "Racial differences are real. Race exists. Race matters."
Rape, Impunity, and White Identity February 19, 2020 The crime that forced one white woman to wake up.
What Did America’s Presidents Think About Race? February 17, 2020 By today’s standards, many of America’s greatest men were rabid white supremacists.
Sam Francis: An American Hero Dies February 15, 2020 Sam Francis died fifteen years ago today. We still miss him.
Israeli High Court Allows DNA Testing to Prove Judaism January 27, 2020 But says "the rabbinate must formulate written rules on the issue within a year."
1905: The End of the Omnipotent White Man January 17, 2020 Japan’s victory over Russia and what it meant for our race.
No New Apologies: Elizabeth Warren Meets With Native American Tribal Leaders December 24, 2019 She's not pretending to be an Indian anymore.
The Bernhard Goetz Affair December 22, 2019 Thirty-five years ago today, one white man decided to defend himself.
Suspended Student Expelled After Posting “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” Flyers at OCU December 11, 2019 Perhaps it isn't okay to be white . . .
After the Obama Disappointment, Black Voters Want More Than Empty Symbolism December 5, 2019 "Obama made me feel hopeful . . . until he didn’t."
The Whiteness of the Democrats’ Non-White Presidential Candidates December 1, 2019 They are candidates for hipster Leftists.
‘Jews, Stop Intermarriage’: Racist Graffiti Sprayed in Arab Town in Central Israel November 29, 2019 Miscegenation continues to be a hot topic in the Holy Land.
Millions of Latinos are Trump Supporters. Here’s What They’re Thinking. November 26, 2019 "What I found is that, in many cases, these folks are not really Latino at all. They’re “post-Latino.” They see themselves as Americans."
Marion Barry: Kinshasa on the Potomac November 23, 2019 A look at America's most notorious black mayor.
Forthcoming from Counter-Currents: White Identity Politics November 20, 2019 A new book by Greg Johnson.
Sen. Kamala Harris Questions Whether America Would Elect a Woman of Color as President November 18, 2019 Something must explain her lack of good poll numbers. . .
Chicago Black Muslim Gang Members Charged With Supporting ISIS; An Earlier Generation Supported Gaddafi November 18, 2019 The pattern continues.
Noel Ignatiev and the Anti-Establishment Establishment November 15, 2019 A liberal lamb in radical wolf’s clothing.
White Identity Is Not Perverse November 4, 2019 Racial identity is one of the “strong gods” the West needs for it to survive.
Hong Kong’s Hatred of Mainlanders Feeds the Xenophobic Undercurrents of Its Protests October 21, 2019 There is an underreported ethnic aspect to the protests.
Ideological Differences in the Expanse of the Moral Circle September 30, 2019 Liberals' compassion is "universalist"; conservatives' is "parochial."
Why Racial Separation is Necessary for White Survival September 29, 2019 A reply to American nationalists.
Slavery Myths That Keep Blacks Ignorant and Angry September 27, 2019 A curious mix of truth and mythology.
Sam Francis, the Prophet September 27, 2019 Sam Francis is more relevant than ever, and his critics have nothing to teach us.
White Separation for White Preservation September 22, 2019 A new perspective on the need for separation.