Amid Wave of Violence, Asian Americans, Black Communities Build Coalitions February 23, 2021 Asian leaders decide white supremacy — not black criminality — is the real threat.
America’s Brutal Racial History Is Written All Over Our Genes February 23, 2021 Racial anxiety has spurred interest in genetic testing.
Why I’m No Longer Changing My Indian Phrases Around My White Friends February 22, 2021 Student felt she lost her identity by using English equivalents of Indian words.
Cartoon Network Releases ‘Anti-Racism’ Ad Teaching Children to ‘See Color’ February 20, 2021 "Other people of color experience other forms of racism, too. But you won’t see any of that if you don’t see color.”
This Black-Owned Breakfast Food Company Is Making ‘Cereal for the Culture’ February 19, 2021 "Divine inspiration" led black man to create a vegan cereal in the shape of a black fist.
The Story of My Racial Awakening February 6, 2021 "My awakening started with the words of a black man I knew back during my days living in Los Angeles."
How Whites on the Frontier Forged a Common Identity February 2, 2021 Europeans united into one people against Indian savagery.
Immigration in the Age of Multiculturalism January 30, 2021 "Successful assimilation in America is unlikely as long as multiculturalism is viewed as a moral good."
Americans Pessimistic About U.S. Race Relations on Eve of Biden Inauguration January 25, 2021 Whites more so than non-whites.
To Understand Trump’s Support, We Must Think in Terms of Multiracial Whiteness January 19, 2021 "Multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political color and not simply a racial identity."
If You Can’t Get Them on Domestic Terrorism Try Seditious Conspiracy January 14, 2021 This isn't justice; it's revenge.
Guillaume Faye, France’s Prophet of Civil War January 13, 2021 Mainstream outlet covers an important identitarian thinker.
Biden Pick to Head DOJ Civil Rights Division Wrote Blacks Had ‘Superior Physical and Mental Abilities’ January 12, 2021 "Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities."
Straight Talk on the Airways? January 3, 2021 What talk-radio hosts think about race and immigration.
Nevada Charter School’s Students Were Instructed to Link Aspects of Their Identity with Oppression December 30, 2020 High-school student sues school over anti-white teachings.
The Mental Health Toll of Being a ‘Model Minority’ in 2020 December 29, 2020 "[T]his model minority myth works against us.”
How Race Politics Liberated the Elites December 18, 2020 "If the nation is fundamentally racist, sexist and homophobic, I owe it nothing."
XI’s Masterplan for a Homogeneous New China December 8, 2020 China's rulers want to impose a pan-Chinese identity on the country's ethnic minorities.
White Resistance to Racial Realities December 6, 2020 Samuel Francis’s address at the 2004 American Renaissance conference.
Kin, Tribes, and the Dark Side of Identity December 3, 2020 Evolutionary anthropologist warns identity politics will lead to racial conflict.
I’m a Black American. Here Is How I Used Solo Travel to Escape My Racist Country. December 1, 2020 A string of microaggressions caused her "trauma."
The Census Predicament: Counting Americans by Race December 1, 2020 Sociologist: "Whites will be the effective majority of the electorate at midcentury, and maybe beyond."
Interview with an Afrikan Nationalist Group November 27, 2020 Black identity, homosexuality, and eugenics.
Irreconcilable Differences November 22, 2020 A long-time friend of the editor explains why he no longer reads American Renaissance.
Can Europe Learn the Lessons of Yugoslavia? November 11, 2020 Or will it continue to build societies destined to explode?
The GOP is Still the White Party, and American Politics are as Racial as Ever November 7, 2020 Somebody should have explained that to Donald Trump.
White(ish) Hispanics and America’s Political Realignment November 4, 2020 Class, identity, and the GOP.
Meet the Not Fu**ing Around Coalition October 30, 2020 Black uniforms, black rifles, and “kid glove” treatment from the authorities.
The White Vote, the Hispanic Vote, and the Future of the GOP October 9, 2020 A look at 2020 and beyond.
‘Coloured Lives Matter’: A South African Police Shooting Like No Other September 22, 2020 "In South Africa, a majority-Black police force is accused of abusing a majority-Black citizenry."
I’m a Muslim and Arab American. Will I Ever Be an Equal Citizen? September 17, 2020 Author says “true faith and allegiance” to America means criticizing it.
Naomi Osaka’s Hair Reveals the Burdens Carried by Black Bodies in White Spaces September 16, 2020 Ms. Osaka "relinquished her U.S. citizenship for Japan and plays under its flag but lives in Los Angeles."
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice September 11, 2020 A theory with "only one immutable truth, and it is that white is evil incarnate."
Race Faker Jessica Krug Hailed Bronx Bodega Murder of 15-Year-Old Junior Guzman September 10, 2020 She called herself an “unrepentant and unreformed child of the hood.”
Hair and Skin Are Important to a Black Child’s Identity – but Many Social Workers Don’t Understand This September 10, 2020 "The current situation is that racism and issues about ethnicity can be ignored in social work."
‘Afro-Latina’ Activist Reveals She is a White Jewish Woman Who Pretended to Be Black September 3, 2020 "Jess La Bombera" turns out to be "Jessica A. Krug."
Interview with an Israeli Journalist August 29, 2020 Race realism, the moral righteousness of self-preservation, and of course, Donald Trump.
Some Afro-Latinos Say the Phrase ‘Latinos for Black Lives Matter’ Makes No Sense August 29, 2020 It is "extremely problematic simply because it’s erasing Blackness."
Couples Share Their Best Advice for Navigating an Interracial Relationship Right Now August 18, 2020 "Live and let live. Love and let love."
Black Like Kamala August 14, 2020 Leftist argues that race is not real but that Kamala Harris is black.
I Used to Be Critical of Kamala Harris. Now I Am Going to Defend Her at Every Turn August 14, 2020 A black critic bends the knee in order to combat "misogynoir."
Kamala Harris’s Nomination Is a Turning Point for Democrats August 13, 2020 "Biden has positioned the Democratic Party for a profound generational and demographic transition."
Will Kamala Harris’s Multiracial Background Help or Hurt in Attracting Voters? August 13, 2020 Blacks may be less likely to vote for her than they would be for an all-black candidate.
‘White’ or ‘white’ — What’s in a Word? August 4, 2020 Conservatives propping up a bankrupt raceless America.
‘White Fragility’ Is Everywhere. But Does Antiracism Training Work? July 16, 2020 A look at its promoters, practice, and impact.
The ‘Comma Effect’ on Bias and Black Lives June 30, 2020 Nutty stuff. If you can figure out this article, let us know in the comments.
The Son of Illegal Honduran Immigrants on Race Realism, “Social Justice,” and White Identity June 27, 2020 "It is impossible to fault whites for not wanting to be overwhelmed by Hispanics."