Al Qaeda Seeks Tie To Local Gangs September 28, 2004 Al Qaeda meets with Hispanic gang in order to infiltrate the US.
Six Charged With Beating Student During Gang Initiation September 17, 2004 Black 13- to 15-year-olds kill student during gang initiation.
Illegal Alien Immigration Bonanza: Special Order 40 September 3, 2004 Illegal alien sanctuary laws are an obstacle to effective law enforcement.
‘Steaming Gang’ Given 25 Years September 2, 2004 The "gratuitous violence" of this black London gang was "dreadful" and "beyond belief."
The Immigrant Gang Plague July 20, 2004 Hispanic immigration boosts gang crime by 50 percent in just three years.
Our Ally, El Salvador July 19, 2004 Our "best friend” in the hemisphere is a crime-ridden source of violent immigrants.