Sweden Can Only Fight Drug Gangs by Curbing Immigration, Says Minister August 29, 2024 Migration minister: “Unfortunately, we observe higher crime rates among those born abroad and second-generation immigrants."
Students Accuse Cambridge University Professor of Racism After He Posted ‘Import the Arab World, Become the Arab World’ October 16, 2023 His colleagues also take aim.
A Re-Evaluation of the Life, Politics, and Philosophy of Enoch Powell June 16, 2022 Happy 110th birthday to a great British statesman.
Blake Masters Blames Gun Violence on ‘Black People, Frankly’ June 7, 2022 Trump-backed Senate candidate notices the color of crime.
What the Founders Really Thought About Race February 21, 2022 The truth about white racial consciousness in American history.
Blundering Billionaire More Right Than Wrong January 18, 2022 "If you're going to be a truth-telling, politically incorrect maverick . . . don't end up groveling pitifully on your knees, for heaven's sake."
Czech Prime Minister: Only Increased Birthrates Can Prevent the Extinction of Europeans September 30, 2021 "Mass and uncontrolled migration to Europe has nothing to do with the sustainability of our European society."
Taking the Fun Out of Being ‘Progressive’ September 9, 2021 What good is activism if you can’t blame whitey?
Russia Warns of Anti-White ‘Aggression’ in U.S. April 3, 2021 Russian foreign minister denounces America's "cultural revolution."
Straight Talk on the Airways? January 3, 2021 What talk-radio hosts think about race and immigration.
Poland Threatens Hefty Fines for Social Media Companies That Censor Legal Speech December 23, 2020 "Poland wants to adopt its own regulations, effectively defending the constitutional right to freedom of expression."
Trump is Right: The 1619 Project Promotes Fake History September 9, 2020 British tabloids know more about US history than American blacks do.
GOP Senators Launch Probe Into Failure to Deport Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing Motorcyclists September 5, 2020 Ivan Robles Navejas was one of President Obama's DREAMers.
GOP Congressman Defends Kenosha Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse, Touts ‘Incredible Restraint and Presence’ September 5, 2020 Rare sighting of a libertarian with guts.
Trial of Paris Attack Accomplices Begins as Macron Says Charlie Hebdo Had Right to Publish Prophet Mohammed Cartoons September 2, 2020 "There is in France a freedom to blaspheme . . . I am here to protect all these freedoms."
Donald Trump Tours Violence-Ravaged Kenosha and Calls Rioters ‘Domestic Terrorists’ September 2, 2020 POTUS "laughed off the idea that most of the Black Lives Matter protests have been peaceable."
Two Dead in Kenosha BLM Riots, Tucker Carlson on the Left Waging Class-War on Middle Class August 27, 2020 Lefties want him cancelled for this segment.
Trump Ambassador Pick Called Refugees ‘Unwanted Invaders,’ Advocated ‘Shooting People’ at Mexico Border August 6, 2020 He's a retired Army colonel.
Why Does Amazon Blacklist Conservatives and Christians? Matt Gaetz Wants to Know July 30, 2020 Congressman: “My suggestion would be a divorce from the SPLC.”
Red Bull Fires Three Execs Who Called for Company to Make a Statement in Support of BLM July 16, 2020 CEO is an admirer of Donald Trump.
‘White People Are Being Killed Too, More White People!’ July 15, 2020 Trump lets slip the truth about police killings.
Will Tuck Cuck? We’ll Find Out Tonight. July 13, 2020 Will the mainstream American Right’s real leader bow to cancel culture?
Zaid Jilani: Noam Chomsky Refuses to Cancel Steven Pinker, Stands Up for Free Speech July 9, 2020 Steven Pinker had criticized cancel culture.
Billionaire John Paulson Penned Letter to Manhattan’s $50K-a-Year Spence School Accusing It of ‘anti-White Indoctrination’ July 9, 2020 Uncommon bravery for a billionaire.
Hungary Won’t Comply with EU Travel Recommendations, PM Says July 8, 2020 Opening up travel "would go against the health care interests of the Hungarian people."
‘You Can’t Blame It on Police’, Atlanta Mayor Says After 8yo Black Girl Shot Dead During Protest July 6, 2020 Black mayor dares speak the truth.
Macron Says France Won’t Remove Statues, Erase History June 16, 2020 But he does pledge to fight "racism."
George Floyd Had ‘Violent Criminal History’: Minneapolis Police Union Chief June 3, 2020 And union will fight for Chauvin and the other officers.
Alex Azar Comes Under Fire for Blaming Americans’ Poor Health – Especially African Americans – for the Country’s World Record Coronavirus Death Toll May 18, 2020 He said it's "an unfortunate legacy in our health care system that we certainly do need to address."
Covid 19 Coronavirus: Winston Peters Tells Struggling Migrant Workers ‘You Should Probably Go Home’ May 13, 2020 Because taxpayers can't afford to support them.
Czech President Milos Zeman Says Nation’s Borders Should Stay Closed for a Year to Prevent Second Wave of COVID-19 April 20, 2020 Lesson in there.
Jeff Sessions: Stop Immigration Until Americans Return to Work April 16, 2020 “Under my plan, we will put Americans back to work before we bring in more foreign labor."
Idaho Governor Signs Restrictions on Affirmative Action, Trans Athletes April 3, 2020 California, meanwhile, will probably repeal its ban in November.
Denmark Accused of Using Virus Law to Crack Down on Immigrants April 3, 2020 Steal a face mask or hand sanitizer, get deported.
5 Global Initiatives to Tackle Falling Birth Rates March 23, 2020 Approaches of South Korea, Italy, Russia, Hungary, and Singapore.
Israel Announces 14-Day ‘Isolation’ for Anyone Entering the Country in Attempt to Fight Coronavirus Spread March 10, 2020 Netanyahu: "[I]t is essential to maintain public health — and public health precedes everything."
EU Will Not Yield to Turkey’s ‘Blackmail,’ Bloc’s Borders Remain Closed to Migrants – French Foreign Minister March 5, 2020 European Commission is sending $800 million to Greece to help secure its border.
Standing Up to Turkey: Austria’s Chancellor is the Only EU Leader Prepared to Call Out President Erdogan over Weaponizing Refugees March 4, 2020 Sebastian Kurz calls Turkey sending waves of refugees “an attack on the EU.”
Supreme Court Tosses Lawsuit Against U.S. Border Patrol Agent Who Killed Mexican Teenager February 25, 2020 Agent says the teenager was throwing rocks.
Bloomberg Once Blamed End of ‘Redlining’ for 2008 Collapse February 13, 2020 He will launch “Mike for Black America” today.
Mike Bloomberg Speaks the Truth About Race and Crime February 12, 2020 Trump calls him “a total racist.”
We Said it First: Demographic Change Is a ‘Freight Train’ February 11, 2020 Democrats see it. Why don’t Republicans?
Israeli High Court Allows DNA Testing to Prove Judaism January 27, 2020 But says "the rabbinate must formulate written rules on the issue within a year."
Texas Governor to Reject New Refugees Under Trump Order January 14, 2020 Texas is the first state to do so.
Who’s to Blame for the Black-White Achievement Gap? January 14, 2020 Twenty-nine percent of teachers believe genes play a role.
The Best ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Statement in the History of Political Correctness January 2, 2020 A white professor pushes back against his university's cant.
PM Narendra Modi Sharpens Attack on Protesters for Anti-CAA Riots December 26, 2019 India's prime minister will not cave to pressure; defends new immigration law.
Japan Hangs Chinese Man in Rare Execution of Foreigner December 26, 2019 Wei Wei helped murder a family of four.
‘Mass Immigration Turned Virginia Blue’ Banner Hung over Bridge in Arlington December 10, 2019 A rare inner-Beltway sighting of common sense.
Why Is Stephen Miller Even Controversial? December 9, 2019 The media publicize a non-scandal by slavishly following the SPLC.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s “State Of The Nation” Address December 3, 2019 The Hungarian leader on fertility, immigration, and the future of his nation.