Jesus Christ Is No 1 Black Icon October 26, 2004 Poll in a British newspaper for blacks puts Jesus Christ ahead of MLK as history's greatest black man.
AIDS ‘Made To Kill Blacks’ October 11, 2004 African Nobel Peace Prize winner believes whites created AIDS to exterminate blacks.
Dispelling Urban Legends about Florida October 4, 2004 Sen. Kerry uses conspiracy theories to attract black voters.
Separate and Unequal September 14, 2004 Black media say a vote for Republicans is a vote for lynchings and church-burnings.
Kerry Hints GOP May Suppress Black Votes September 13, 2004 Sen. Kerry stokes conspiracy theory to gain black vote.
Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of 9-11 August 31, 2004 More than 60 percent of blacks and Hispanics believe in 9/11 conspiracy.
BET/CBS News Poll of Black Voters July 27, 2004 Sixty-eight percent of blacks believe there are deliberate attempts to prevent them from voting.
Running on Urban Mythology July 12, 2004 John Kerry campaigns on the myth of black voter disenfranchisement in Florida in 2000.
Rev. Moon Cultivates Black Allies July 6, 2004 Black ministers support wealthy Korean benefactor who claims he is the messiah.