Posted on March 11, 2025

Trump Reforms Force Closure of More NGOs Resettling Refugees Across U.S.

John Binder, Breitbart, March 7, 2025

Another non-governmental organization, which contracted with the federal government to resettle refugees across American communities, is having to close its doors after President Donald Trump froze the government’s refugee resettlement program.

Immediately after taking office, Trump signed an executive order to indefinitely suspend the refugee resettlement program — ensuring that hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars flowing to NGOs contracted to resettle refugees would come to a halt.

As a result, Connecticut-based Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS), which has lost out on $4 million in taxpayer funds to resettle refugees since the executive order, is shutting its doors and having to fire staff {snip}


IRIS is only the latest NGO involved in refugee resettlement to close offices and fire staff. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) have both had to drastically cut refugee services {snip}

The NGOs are now suing the Trump administration {snip}
