Armed Lincoln Heights Residents Watch for Neo-Nazis as Lawmakers Search for Solutions to Hate Group’s Displays
Sean DeLancey, WCPO, February 10, 2025
A group of masked men armed with rifles, shotguns and pistols patrolled the streets and corners of Lincoln Heights Monday, including the intersection of Mangham Drive and Dorothy Court, overlooking the I-75 overpass where neo-Nazis rallied Friday.
The patrols by locals came the same day the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office met with community members who told them they felt responsible for their own safety in the wake of the white supremacist rally.
Many village, county and state officials were at Monday’s meeting including Democratic Rep. Cecil Thomas who proposed an investigation into all police actions around the event, a review of all facts, and potential new laws if there weren’t enough legal ways for police to disrupt the neo-Nazi gathering before people from the area could confront them.
Thomas said speech that incites people to violence could be disrupted, but he wasn’t sure what exactly could have been done.
Lincoln Heights, Ohio
The locals have set up checkpoints in response to the group that displayed the banner saying ‘America for the White Man.’
— The Daily Sneed™ (@Tr00peRR) February 9, 2025