Posted on October 20, 2024

Poll: Record 67 Percent of Voters Support Deportations

Neil Munro, Breitbart, October 18, 2024

A Fox News poll shows a record 67 percent support among registered voters for the deportation of illegal migrants.

Deportations are supported by 40 percent of liberals, 62 percent of Hispanics, 53 percent of blacks, 65 percent of moderates, and 86 percent of conservatives.

The Fox News poll matches recent polls by IpsosMaristYouGov, and Harvard-Harris. Those polls show almost two-to-one support for enforcing the nation’s existing border laws that protect American strivers and families from poor migrants and from employers who cheat by hiring cheap foreign labor.


But the education and class difference shrinks to 14 points when the poll quizzed white voters: 62 percent of white college graduates favor deportations, while 76 percent of non-college whites favor deportations.

The 14-point white gap narrowed to just 12 points — 66 percent to 78 percent — when the poll compared the views of white men with college degrees to white men without college degrees.


The groups most opposed to deportations are non-white women — 46 percent for deportations, 50 percent against — and Democrats, who split 42 percent for deportations, and 54 percent against.