Posted on July 18, 2024

MSNBC Host Calls JD Vance Wanting to Be Buried in Family Plot an ‘Easter Egg of White Nationalism’

Isaac Schorr, Mediaite, July 18, 2024

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner accused Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance of dropping an “easter egg of white nationalism” by mentioning that he hoped to be buried in his family’s plot in Kentucky during his speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night.

“I know that there was not the same red meat, sort of blood and soil nationalism that you might hear in, I don’t know, other parallel universe Republican conventions, but I do think there were some sort of Easter eggs of white nationalism in the speech,” declared Wagner at the outset of a lengthy monologue. “One of the things that stuck out to me was when he started talking about what America is, he said that ‘America is not just an idea, it is a group of people with a shared history and a common future.’ The thing about America is that it’s not a group of people with shared history. In fact, I think a lot of people would argue it’s quite the opposite. It’s a lot of people with different histories, different heritages.”

She continued:

And that’s the other piece of it, he goes on, he went on a long sort of paragraph at least about this plot in eastern Kentucky, where his 7 or 6 generations of his family are buried, and his hope is that his wife and he are eventually laid to rest there and their kids follow them. {snip} And I just think the construction of, of this notion reveals a lot about someone who fundamentally believes in the supremacy of whiteness and masculinity {snip}
