Posted on June 27, 2024

Tim Scott Recalls Trump Telling Him ‘Help Me Help Those I Have Offended’ After Charlottesville

Zachary Leeman, Mediaite, June 27, 2024

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) told Fox News his relationship with Donald Trump was “made” by fallout from the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally.

Scott joined Fox & Friends for a Thursday interview as part of a series examining all of Trump’s potential vice presidential picks. {snip} Ainsley Earhardt sat with Scott.

“I will say that it was the Charlottesville incident that made our relationship what it is today,” Scott said after Earhardt noted the senator had said Trump “compromised his moral authority” with his response to the deadly protest.


Scott recalled being called to the White House after the August 2017 protest {snip}

“He invited me to the Oval Office to talk about race relations in America,” he said. “He wanted me to share with him my perspective. He listened, and after we finished talking, he said, ‘Help me help those I have offended.’ That’s how Opportunity Zones were born.”
