Posted on May 12, 2024

IRS Promises to Audit Black People Less

Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag, May 7, 2024

DEI is at the heart of everything the Biden administration does. And that means racial discrimination is at the heart of everything it does.

The Internal Revenue Service said Thursday that it has taken steps to address a wide disparity in audit rates between black taxpayers and other filers and is more closely examining the returns of larger numbers of wealthy people and major companies.

In an annual update, the agency said, “We are overhauling compliance efforts to advance our commitment to fair, equitable and effective tax administration and hold ourselves accountable to taxpayers we serve.”

Or certain taxpayers anyway.

A study from January 2023 involving university researchers and the Treasury Department found that IRS data-driven algorithms selected black taxpayers for auditing at up to 4.7 times the rate of non-black taxpayers.

Were the algorithms racist? What possible reason would the algorithms have just selected black people for no apparent reason?

“We have taken swift initial action to dramatically reduce the number of those audits. We have also made changes to the selection criteria for those audits,” IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel said.

Werfel, who was sworn in a little more than a year ago, has testified before Congress about the issue and wrote to the Senate Finance Committee last September that the IRS would make changes.

Werfel told reporters the discriminatory audits “degrade trust in our tax system.”

Does anyone actually trust the tax system? Under political pressure, the IRS will just shift over to targeting the ‘right sorts of people’ after being previously accused of targeting the ‘wrong sort of people.’