FBI Arrests Transgender Man Who Threatened to Kill ‘Trans Phobes’ — Suggests Ties to ‘Alt-Right Extremism’
Luke Rosiak, Daily Wire, January 15, 2024
Federal prosecutors on Friday charged an Oregon man who believes he is a woman for posting to a “trans woman support group” that he planned to go out in a “blaze of glory,” after a search of his home found 27 guns and “tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.”
Elizabeth West was charged with making interstate threats based on the September 26 Facebook post to the group “Trans Woman Support Group,” which came as he said he believed he was about to be fired and was tired of “trans phobic assholes.”
The FBI did not arrest West after the September interview that was ultimately used to justify charges. Instead, it arrested him months later after checks of his social media exhibited racial hatred towards black people, immigrants, and Jews. His social media bio, according to the court documents, was, “A Nazi dominatrix from Hell, who is tired of the blackening of America and Europe and ready to stand up to the Black orcs and the Jewish Wizards.”
His animosity of other races appears to be heavily related to West’s gender ideology. West hatred of black people, it says in court documents, is because they often “misgender” him and a group of black men once physically assaulted him. For immigrants, the hatred was because he learned of an immigrant on Oregon’s public healthcare plan who got free transgender surgery, while West would have to pay for his own gender surgery.
For months, the FBI monitored his social media and questioned him about his racial views. On January 9, after agents monitoring him were alerted of of a gun purchase, it executed the search warrant, and arrested West. The affidavit references “far-right terror,” “white supremacy,” and “alt-right extremism,” portraying the madman as a conservative terrorist.
The FBI has shown a pattern in recent years of labeling its targets as far-right white supremacist domestic terrorists, even when the facts indicate otherwise. It then cites statistics to say that white supremacist domestic terrorists are the biggest threat to the country.
In November, the FBI arrested a transgender-identifying man for threatening to shoot up schools “on behalf of the transgender community.” The man modeled his plans off of the transgender-identifying woman who shot up the Christian Covenant School in Tennessee, but the lead fact presented by the FBI was that he had used racist language online {snip}