‘White Fragility’ Author Warns People of Color to ‘Get Away From White People’
Kristine Parks, Fox News, March 20, 2023
One White liberal author’s unusual advice to combat racism is raising eyebrows on Twitter.
Robin DiAngelo, author of the New York Times’ bestseller “White Fragility,” suggested part of racial justice and progress meant going back to racial segregation.
“People of color need to get away from White people and have some community with each other,” she said in the March 1 webinar entitled, “Racial Justice: The Next Frontier.”
In the conference, DiAngelo also complained about Whites being uncomfortable with antiracist initiatives and argued more radical change was needed in the workplace. She suggested it should be a “basic qualification” for any employee to engage in conversations about antiracism.
“What I want to do is create a culture that actually spits out those who are resistant,” she said.
DiAngelo was once one of the most sought-after voices from liberal media outlets to comment on racism and promote Critical Race Theory ideas.
Her most recent book title, “The Facilitator’s Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for Leading White People in an Anti-Racist Practice,” suggests she believes Whites should also stay within their own racial social circles.