Burning Questions, Even Hotter Answers on Censorship, Scott Adams, And… Scott Walker?
Ann Coulter, VDARE, March 15, 2023
From time to time, my readers email me asking for my take on issues of the day. {snip}
So here are my answers to readers’ fictional questions.
QUESTION: Are books like David Cole’s Republican Party Animal, Ryan Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, and Jared Taylor’s A Race Against Time, White Identity, Face to Face With Race and If We Do Nothing still banned from Amazon?
Why yes they are! But please tell me more about how Gov. Ron DeSantis is Hitler for removing pornography from Florida schools.
Liberal brainteaser: What’s the difference between a book in a public school and a book that is simply available for purchase on Amazon? Think hard. You only have three hours.
Other News In Book Banning: Barnes & Noble—unlike Amazon—sells When Harry Became Sally, Camp of the Saints—albeit in French only—and all of Taylor’s books,
1) Maybe Jeff Bezos should spend less time on his rockets and more time overseeing Amazon’s censorship department.
2) “Republican Party Animal” is the hottest book on Earth.
QUESTION: What did you think of Scott Adams’ Dilbert cartoon being dropped from newspapers for his “racist rant”?
To refresh your recollection, Adams misread a meaningless, click-bait poll, claiming it showed that a majority of black people disagreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white.” {snip} He then concluded that blacks hate whites, so whites should—here’s the part that got played on a loop—“get the hell away from black people.”
At that point, everyone on TV expressed utter shock at his advice. {snip}
I happened to notice something about the indignant.
- MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “It’s just flat-out racism.… This would have been racist in 1955! If somebody had gone on ‘The Steve Allen Show’ and said, ‘My best advice would be to stay away from black people,’ that person in 1955 would have been in trouble.”
Scarborough lives in New Canaan, Connecticut, which is 0.7% black.
- CNN’s Alisyn Camerota: “Scott Adams went on a racist rant in which he said—and I’m quoting—‘the advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people.’”
Camerota lives in Westport, Connecticut, 1% black.
- CNN’s Jake Tapper: “Blatant racist remarks. A fairly racist statement, as blatant as it gets.”
Tapper lives in a $3.7 million dollar home in Northwest Washington, D.C., an overwhelmingly white area of a city that is majority black.
I don’t begrudge anyone for living in a “low crime” neighborhood with “good schools,” but it’s striking how the very people loudest in their condemnation of Adams seem to have arranged their own lives in strict accordance with his “racist” advice.
Maybe sit this one out.