Man Who Shot Orem Police Officer During Domestic Violence Call Asks for Parole, Again
Jeremy Harris, KUTV, June 9, 2022
The man who shot an Orem Police officer during a domestic violence call in 2005 is asking to be let out of prison again.
David Luis Burns, 38, was originally granted parole in 2018, but is back in prison after a parole violation.

David Luis Burns
At a hearing of the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole on Wednesday, the officer who Burns shot, Phil Murphy, testified against him.
Murphy says since Burns was granted parole, he has been contacted by two women in other states who allege Burns abused them while he was out of prison.
Court records from Kentucky that were obtained by Murphy show Burns was arrested after a woman alleged Burns threatened to kill her while armed with a machete.
A motion by prosecutors in Kentucky show Burns was also accused of felony domestic violence in Indiana.