The Great Replacement Prize
Greg Johnson, Counter-Currents, October 29, 2021
“The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The Great Replacement is a fact. It is the product of political policies. It is celebrated by establishment voices. But if you don’t celebrate the Great Replacement, you are accused of trafficking in a discredited Right-wing conspiracy theory. However, despite attempts to marginalize the idea of the Great Replacement, it is becoming increasingly mainstream. For instance, American commentator Tucker Carlson recently endorsed the idea, followed by Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk.
Counter-Currents wishes to encourage wider discussion of the idea of the Great Replacement. Thus we are pleased to announce the Great Replacement Prize.
- We will award prizes in two categories: essays discussing the Great Replacement and images illustrating it. More than $1,000 in prize money has been pledged so far.
- Essays can be on any aspect of the Great Replacement, including Renaud Camus’ books Le Grande Remplacement and You Will Not Replace Us; the Great Replacement in political strategy, international law, economics, and demographic transition theory; individuals and organizations promoting the Great Replacement and their reasons; establishment disinformation about the Great Replacement; and, finally, white identitarian responses to the Great Replacement.
- Essays can range from short opinion pieces (1,500 to 2,000 words) to more developed analyses (2,000 to 5,000 words).
- The best essay will receive a prize of $500. Five runners up will receive $100 each. Other entries chosen for publication will receive honoraia of $50.
- Images can be original photographs, info-graphics, memes, or artworks, including cartoons, that illustrate or satirize the Great Replacement.
- The best image will win $100. Others chosen for publication will receive honoraria of $25.
- All essays and images should be original works that have not been previously published.
- Submission means granting Counter-Currents right of first publication.
- Essays and images can be submitted under your real name or a pen name.
- The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2021. Email them to
- Donors who wish to increase the prize money available should contact