Woman Beaten and Bloodied In Vicious Mother’s Day Attack in Kroger Parking Lot
Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, May 14, 2021
Police in Louisville, Kentucky, are investigating a Mother’s Day attack that resulted in a broken nose for a disabled army veteran.
The victim, Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown, says she was parked in a handicapped spot near the entrance of a Kroger grocery store and an altercation ensued when she backed up and noticed another vehicle blocking her in, according to Wave 3 News.
“I get out, and I say, ‘Do you guys need any help?’ and she said, ‘F— you, you white b—-,’” Ahlstedt-Brown said about the attack against her. {snip}
Ahlstedt-Brown, a military veteran, said the other vehicle’s passengers, four young black women in a Dodge Charger or Challenger, threw a cup at her and then attacked her.
Ahlstedt-Brown says that strangers, not Kroger security, broke up the fight, and she suffered a broken nose.
Ahlstedt-Brown says she has had nightmares since the attack and is concerned that race may have played a role in the incident, although her husband is black and her children are biracial.