College Caves to Students’ Demands for ‘Reparations Fund,’ Help for Illegal Immigrants
Robert Schmad, Campus Reform, January 15, 2021
Bryn Mawr College has agreed to pay up to $10,000 for an annual “reparations fund” in response to a strike by students that lasted more than two weeks.
According to the Bi-College News, the president of Bryn Mawr College, Kimberly Wright Cassidy, accepted some of the demands made by the “Bryn Mawr Strike Collective,” which were made on November 3. {snip}
Students at the women’s college formed the strike after the death of Walter Wallace Jr., and included in their demands that the college set up a “reparations fund,” reduce winter break and summer housing costs for “BIPOC international students,” as well as demanding that the college takes an “ACTIVE role in Police and Prison Abolition.”
On Nov. 16, the college released its action plan in response to the students’ demands, which includes the demands it agreed to, and how it plans to meet those demands.
The document stated that the university “agrees to the goal” of a “reparations fund,” and that the college agreed to double the funding for the “Dean’s Student Assistance Fund,” allocating $10,000 to the fund. {snip}
Additionally, the college also agreed to set up a new “Student Success position” that will work with “DACAmented and Undocumented Students,” and will be paid $60,000 annually.