Posted on July 27, 2020

Vatican Calls for ‘Mass Regularisation’ of Illegal Migrants in Spain

Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, July 27, 2020

The Vatican wants Spain to undertake a “mass regularisation” of its illegal immigrants, according to the Holy See’s undersecretary for migrants and refugees.

“In Spain, mass regularisation can be a solution that benefits everyone,” said Father Fabio Baggio during an online forum last week with representatives from Spanish Catholic dioceses in charge of immigrants.

Representatives of the far-left Spanish political alliance Unidas Podemos (“United We Can”), comprising Podemos, United Left, and other left-wing parties, immediately embraced the Vatican solution, noting that it coincides exactly what the Spanish Left has been calling for.

Podemos, whose general secretary Pablo Iglesias was listed by George Soros’ Open Societies NGO as a “reliable ally,” has already launched its own proposal for universal amnesty and citizenship “for all those migrants who have lived through the epidemic with us.”


In his address last week, the Vatican’s Father Baggio said that there would be “massive migratory flows stemming from people’s desire to find a solution to their economic problems” following the coronavirus pandemic, and urged nations to welcome them and rejected a “new protectionism” against unchecked immigration in Europe.
