Posted on July 13, 2020

George Soros Pouring $220 Million into ‘Racial Justice’ Movement

Joshua Caplan, Breitbart, July 13, 2020

Progressive billionaire George Soros’s philanthropic organization — Open Society Foundations — announced Monday that it will donate $220 million to groups focused on “racial justice.”

The organization plans on investigating $150 million alone into five-year grants for organizations aimed at achieving equal statistical outcomes between demographic groups in economics and criminal justice. The other $70 million is said to be going toward “more immediate efforts to advance racial justice.” Groups expected to receive funds include Black Voters Matter and Repairers of the Breach.


{snip} Soros will double his 2016 election spending as part of a broader effort to help defeat President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign.

As Breitbart News reported: “Soros has poured money “into the coffers of the Democracy PAC, a super PAC that passes money to other liberal PACs working to defeat Trump and congressional Republicans… [The] PAC has received $40 million, double the $20 million it received in 2016 throughout the presidential election.”
