Immigration Is Causing Serious Social Breakdown
Leo McKinstry, Express, February 1, 2016
The European Union’s vast experiment in open borders, free movement and cultural diversity has been tested to destruction.
A sense of accelerating chaos now hangs over the continent. As the influx across the eastern Mediterranean grows to more than 3,000 new arrivals every day, on top of all the other waves of mass immigration, the very fabric of European civilisation is disintegrating. The traditional bonds of solidarity and shared identity are collapsing. In their place there are fully justified fears about terrorism, extremism, alien customs and savage misogyny.
Although Britain is not part of the EU core we are going through the same social revolution as the rest of Europe. The annual rate of immigration to our country officially stands at 630,000 but even that astonishing figure is probably an underestimate given that no fewer than 917,000 National Insurance numbers were dished out to foreigners last year.
Indeed, white British people are now the minority in many of our urban conurbations including Leicester, Slough and London where almost 60 per cent of births are to migrants. Yet even in the face of all this upheaval–for which no one has ever voted–the supporters of the EU and mass immigration refuse to admit the scale of their failure. Instead of abandoning their lethal ideology, they engage in propaganda to shore up their project.
Deceit, scaremongering, sentimentality and distraction are their chosen weapons in their campaign to destroy the traditional social order. And they are not above exploiting children in support of their cause. They did so last August when the image of Syrian child Aylan Kurdi found dead on a Turkish beach was used with ruthless cynicism to galvanise public backing for the open floodgates in the name of compassion.
Now, in the wake of mounting public anger over the string of sexual assaults perpetrated in Germany and Sweden by migrant gangs, it is no coincidence that the cheerleaders for revolution want to switch the focus of the media debate back towards children. Synthetic concern over unaccompanied minors is now deployed to airbrush the monstrous crimes of the predators and to manipulate the public into accepting ever greater numbers.
But it is an appalling act of deception for, according to the United Nations, more than 70 per cent of these migrants to Europe are able-bodied young men. Nor are many of them genuine refugees. Only last week the EU Vice President Frans Timmermans admitted that 60 per cent of the influx is made up of economic migrants from North Africa. “These are people that you can assume have no reason to apply for refugee status,” he said.
But this will not halt the emotional blackmail. So the pro-EU ideologues continually seek to portray migrants as victims of “people traffickers” but in truth the smugglers are a symptom, not the cause, of Europe’s self-inflicted crisis. They would not exist if millions were not so eager to reach our shores. Far more offensive is the fondness of the pro-immigration brigade for invoking a parallel between the policies of Nazi Germany towards the Jewish people and current treatment of migrants, as in the manufactured row over the red doors of asylum seekers’ homes in Middlesbrough.
But this is a desperate moral perversion. The vast majority of migrants are not fleeing persecution at all. Moreover genuine refugees in Europe have been given accommodation, food and welfare, the very opposite of the terrible fate experienced by Jewish people under the Third Reich. Above all the grotesque irony of the open borders approach is that it has led to the import into Europe of a viciously anti-Semitic culture from the Arab world and Asia, which is why attacks in Europe have risen.
In fact the pro-immigration brigade has no sense of morality at all. It is telling that they were far more noisily indignant last week about David Cameron’s mild phrase “a bunch of migrants” to describe the freeloaders at Calais than they ever were about the brutal sexual assaults in Germany. They ridiculously claim that the membership of the EU makes us “safe” when we can all see that removal of border controls by Brussels has brought jihadism, violent crime, gang warfare and social divisions into our midst.
The menacing squalor of the migrant camps at Calais and the rioting at Dover on Saturday are twin symbols of the disorder that the EU has inflicted. Just as empty is the Europhiles’ claim that mass immigration has fuelled prosperity. “Free movement is hugely beneficial to our economy,” wrote Labour’s Andy Burnham, ignoring the reality that mass immigration has pushed down living standards and imposed a colossal burden on the civic infrastructure.
The EU cannot undo the epic mess that it has made. Talk in Brussels about applying an “emergency brake” on migration is meaningless. The EU’s whole existence is predicated on the abolition of patriotism, frontiers, self-government and nationhood. In its drive to create a multicultural superstate it has left us defenceless against the migrant floodtide. Our only hope of escaping this meltdown is to vote for our exit.