I am Black — and a Race Realist
Sade Adebayo, American Renaissance, October 1, 2015
My heart raced at the sight of the long sticks the three angry men were brandishing. I futilely asked my mother what was going on, as our party inside the car spoke in panicked Yoruba with the group outside. It was my first visit to Nigeria. My mother, uncle, grandmother and I were driving to a village hours away from Lagos when three men stepped into the middle of the road. We had to screech to a halt to avoid hitting them. To this day, I don’t know what those men wanted, but given that, according to the UN’s 2010 figures, 61 percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day, I’d bet they wanted money — or the car.
From the moment I set foot in Nigeria, it was easy to see why my parents had left. My mother and I had to pay bribes to pass safely through the airport. Beggars walked around outside the airport asking travelers for money. It was not uncommon to see people squatting on the side of the road defecating. The gash on my uncle’s head corroborated his story about being robbed and pistol whipped. A billboard in Lagos read in pigeon English, “AIDS. No dey show da face.” (Translation: You can’t tell a person has AIDS by looking at them.)
I was born in 1990 in the United States, about a year after my parents arrived. They brought with them a couple of suitcases, my older brother, and big dreams for the future. In less than 25 years, they have managed to establish a medical practice and build a home for their six-person family. Their hard work knows no limits, but their tolerance and understanding do. They cannot comprehend how their first-generation American daughter became a race realist.
My views are no different from the average AR reader. I accept that the cause of the one-standard-deviation difference in the average IQ scores of blacks and whites is primarily genetic. I am convinced that blacks tend to have different dispositions from whites and East Asians — also for genetic reasons. And most importantly, I believe that all people have the right to associate with whomever they please, and that given this option most will choose their own race.
I did not come to these conclusions overnight. Initially, I believed what I was taught by my parents and teachers: Sub-Saharan Africa is poor because of centuries of exploitation, and black Americans lag behind white Americans because of slavery and segregation. My belief in the egalitarian vision was based on a reluctance to accept that I am of inferior stock.
In high school, I knew very little about Richard Hernnstein and Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve, but when a teacher said the book was biased, I accepted that assertion without questioning it. I was relieved to learn of the existence of culture-fair IQ tests, such as the Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity, that show blacks are as smart as whites. Of course, I never bothered to research the BITCH. It was enough for me that there were educated people who thought it was valid and reliable. The discovery that a book that argued that environment explains European hegemony and African failure was highly rated on Amazon also helped me hold onto my bias. I never opened Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, but as long as there were educated people who accepted his theories, I didn’t question them.
During my freshman year at the University of Georgia, I found a blog called Racialicious. Reading articles about “micro-aggressions” and “red-lining” further convinced me that blacks were victims of an “injustice system.” My views were becoming more and more radical and my tolerance for dissent was waning. My college was predominantly white, and I got into more than my share of arguments about whether organizations for minorities should exist and whether it was significant that a black man was elected president.
At a dining hall one night, my Gujarati Indian friend’s white boyfriend angrily asked where white organizations could hold their meetings. I argued that UGA was trying to foster an environment that welcomes people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. I added that not all students were Southern whites, and that those who weren’t should be allowed to organize to address their unique needs. I asked him what concerns white students could possibly have at a college that is 73 percent white. To my annoyance, my friend came to his aid, saying that recognizing non-white students was discrimination against whites. I was shocked and angry that a “person of color” would say that. I even condemned her as a sell-out to another Indian friend who shared my views. Now I am impressed that my friend thinks for herself rather than sticking to the unofficial Person of Color doctrine.
The issue of whether non-whites should have their own organizations at universities is probably the only racial issue in which my opinion has not changed since becoming a race realist — however, I believe whites should have the same rights.
The night Barack Obama was first elected president, a white Republican friend and I exchanged messages on Facebook. He didn’t think it mattered that a black man had made it to our nation’s highest office. I was appalled at his insistence that “race didn’t matter.” For centuries, only white men had access to the White House and now that has changed, I told him. I still think that the election of Barack Obama means racism no longer presents a powerful barrier to the ambitions of blacks, but given the anti-white agenda of the Obama administration, I silently hope that whites never again elect a black president.
Fortunately, my days as a racial egalitarian were short lived. First, I discovered a book called Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America, written by a black man named John McWhorter. Dr. McWhorter debunked many of the claims that had radicalized me. Slowly, my eyes started to open. Was it possible that “white racism” was largely a figment of the collective black imagination?
Then came Larry Elder, another open-minded black man. His book, The Ten Things You Can’t Say In America, showed me that there is no such thing as “red-lining” and that blacks tend to be more racist than whites.
In just a short time, I had gone from believing that blacks were oppressed to believing that blacks had the power to lift themselves up. Prof. Michael Levin of City University helped me make the final leap from egalitarian to race realist. At the beginning of Why Race Matters, he asks why anyone would think that blacks are as smart as whites. Stereotypes of blacks have been consistent throughout history, and black academic performance has always been lower than that of whites.
I thought of my oil-rich home country. Despite billions of dollars in natural resources, Nigeria remains mired in corruption, crime, violence, disease, and poverty, not unlike the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. I remembered my fruitless attempts in high school to find records of pre-colonization African inventions. One of my uncles dismissed my claim that Africans never invented anything by saying that Europeans destroyed many African civilizations and re-wrote history. Before reading Prof. Levin, I believed him.
Since becoming a race realist, I have spent countless hours trying to explain to some of my egalitarian friends that blacks did not evolve high intelligence because the warm African environment did not require it. A white former friend who holds an anthropology degree from my college de-friended me on Facebook, insisting that race is not even biological. A white former friend insisted that as a public school teacher she has had similar failure rates across racial lines. Years later, on Facebook, she likened Donald Trump to Hitler and Stalin, and asked that all Trump supporters de-friend her immediately. I debated a cousin who did not call me names and was actually open-minded enough to read the articles I sent him. The fact that he also sent me a woman’s attempt to refute Dr. Levin’s arguments gives me hope that he may someday become a race realist himself.
Thus far, I have painted a negative picture of the life of a black race realist, but the truth is that a huge sigh of relief escaped my lips upon learning that blacks are intellectually disadvantaged. There is no global conspiracy to keep us down. If I work hard and abide by the law, I will succeed.
Sadly, my view of the world is not shared by my family, who watched television in horror during the coverage of the shootings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. To this day, my mother insists that George Zimmerman should have been convicted because he pursued Trayvon Martin with a gun despite orders not to. She has turned a blind eye to Mr. Zimmerman’s injuries and the evidence that he fired in self defense after being attacked. My father and brothers still believe that the police are waging war on young black men. My younger brother attended a rally at his college to honor Michael Brown’s memory.
My mother encourages me not to talk about politics or race in public because people will be horrified. She agrees with my dad that I was brainwashed against blacks because I attended a mostly white college in a red state. My dad believes that experiencing racism at the hands of whites will cure me. I disagree. If I ever come face to face with malicious whites, I am confident that it won’t turn me into an “anti-racist.”
I doubt that even racially conscious whites would be unkind to me. My experiences with race realists have been positive so far. One kind Jewish blogger interviewed me and later we talked via Skype. He is a fascinating person and didn’t seem to have an ounce of hostility towards me. Another white race realist and I have become good enough friends that we Skype at least every month.
I have met a few black race realists online as well. One lives in Nigeria and bravely chooses not to relocate to the West. We regularly post statuses on Facebook about what’s happening to whites worldwide. The other lives in Canada but prefers to keep his race realist views secret. He dates white women and wants to marry one! Even after I talked to him about regression to the mean, he told me that given his high IQ and that of his parents, he doesn’t think he would be dragging down a wife’s children intellectually.
I have tried fruitlessly to convince my white girl friends to avoid black men without sounding like I am motivated by jealousy. One dates black men almost exclusively and suffers as a result. She has had black men vandalize her car and cheat on her, but last I checked she was pursuing yet another black man whom she insists is different from the others. I continue to hope that she won’t end up like a never-married white, female co-worker who has two mulatto kids from two different black men, neither of whom pay child support or act as a father. I have tried hard to figure out why some white women behave this way. My theories run from social acceptance to low intelligence.
Some AR readers insist that if white men had not defected from ethno-nationalism, there would be no mulattoes being born to white women. These men have convinced me that women are not hard-wired to be leaders, and that it is up to white men to lead the West out of its malaise.
I have had no success in trying to understand why white men believe in liberal creationism, but whatever the cause, it has yet to infect Eastern Europeans. They are very ethno-nationalist and traditional, and may be the best hope for the white race.
Whites should discriminate in favor of their own race in foreign aid. Instead of sending money to sub-Saharan Africa, white-sponsored charities could help Eastern Europeans who suffer from alcoholism, AIDS, and prostitution. White churches could help Afrikaner refugees leave South Africa. In Mark Twain’s time, well-off whites took in poorer whites and educated them. Why has that changed?
My political activism is not limited to white nationalism. I am a vegan and a supporter of environmentalism and animal welfare. Studying the tactics used by the other organizations I support has given me an idea about how I could help. Within the next few years, I plan to start giving scholarships to college students who learn about what’s happening to whites worldwide.
I don’t mind giving away some of my income for this cause. It is only because of whites that I live far away from the daily dangers of armed robbery, rape, and kidnapping in Nigeria. If race deniers are not stopped, soon I won’t have to travel to Nigeria to be put in a near car-jacking situation again.
The three men who stopped our car in Nigeria asked who owned the car. My mom and uncle told them that my grandmother was the owner. As luck would have it, the men recognized their dialect of Yoruba, and determined we were all from the same part of Nigeria. They let us pass unharmed.
Incidents like these will happen more often as the West continues to embrace non-whites. It is my sincere hope that as the number of race realists grows, we can bring back segregation and whites can build a homeland for their children. This takes precedence over all my other political views. Animal welfare and environmentalism can wait. In the words of Charles Lindbergh, “It is the European race we must preserve; political progress will follow.”
If you have a story about how you became racially aware, we’d like to hear it. If it is well written and compelling, we will publish it. Use a pen name, stay under 1,200 words, and send it to us here.