Get Angry Now
Ann Coulter, VDARE, September 10, 2014
But according to Obama, the only reason illegals haven’t already been given amnesty is that Congress is not “doing its job.”
What does Obama imagine Congress’ “job” is? Being his errand boys? Their job is to represent their districts. I promise you, House members are doing a better job representing their districts than at least a dozen senators are at representing their states–or than Obama is doing representing the country. It’s called the “People’s House” for a reason.
Noticeably, every Republican senator running for re-election this year claims to oppose amnesty–even the ones who voted for it. (Let’s hope they remember how unpopular mass immigration is when it’s time to vote, not just when they’re running.)
Obama can’t ignore the House and make amnesty happen either. That’s why he’s talking about an “executive amnesty,” which sounds like the top-tier donation category at one of the 4 million fundraisers Obama has held since becoming president, where the dinner starts at $25,000 per couple and you might bump into Jay-Z in the men’s room. Actually, it just means Obama publicly, openly, officially stops enforcing immigration law.
Except in his own mind, Obama can’t make illegals legal. But he can direct the entire immigration apparatus of the federal government to act as if amnesty has passed. The theory is that once they’ve been treated as if they’re legal for a few years, it’s a fait accompli, and no future president will resume enforcement of the law.
Although consistent with historical practice, it’s not where the country is at all. This election is our first referendum on amnesty.
Not only do we have Obama’s promise that he’ll refuse to execute the law–it’s not as if he took some kind of oath, after all–but there’s good reason to believe him: After this election, he’s got nothing to lose. Democrats will have two years to sign up 30 million illegal immigrants for Social Security benefits, food stamps and voting cards.
There is no more important political issue than this: Republicans must take the Senate this year.
You know how much you’ve been enjoying the courts overturning state referendums prohibiting gay marriage? Get ready for a lot more of your hard-won political victories to be nullified by the courts if Republicans don’t take a Senate majority.
Remember how the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare on a 5-4 vote? Obama could have a shot at replacing another Supreme Court justice in the next two years. As a senator, he voted against both of Bush’s nominees, so he can’t very well complain if Republicans reject his loony-bird nominees.
Have you heard about the federal judge conspiring with Attorney General Eric Holder and the ACLU to bring deported illegal aliens back from Mexico? Yes, he’s bringing them back. That judge, John A. Kronstadt, can’t be impeached unless Republicans take the Senate.
Won’t you be angry if our power-mad president grants millions of illegal immigrants “executive amnesty” on the basis of his nonexistent constitutional authority to ignore the law? The surge of needy foreigners across our Southern border, so far, will be nothing compared to what’s coming if Obama does this.
He says he will. He thinks voters are too stupid to notice.
Prove him wrong.