Obamacare Foulup: Minority Occupation Government (Asian Branch) Not So Competent After All?
Federale, VDARE, November 13, 2013
The greatest technological failure of the American government since the disastrous fire on board Apollo 1 was given to us by a series of Asian failures in (of all things) computer technology.
You would think between Foxconn, Samsung and Infosys, Chinese, Koreans, and Indians, or a combination of all three, could at least build a website. But apparently they can’t. Nevertheless, they got the Healthcare.gov job, thanks to the Minority Occupation Government.
The half-white Barack Hussein Obama was smart enough not to seek out a Reconquista or a fellow African-American to build the website for his signature legislative achievement. Even Obama knows that Hispanics are not much good except for driving down wages, political agitation and the occasional not-so-subtle attempt at an American Kristallnacht. Generally, to get it done right, you gotta go white, for websites or even for an American Kristallnacht.
But just who has been behind the crash-and-burn of Obamacare? None but Henry Chao, Deputy Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director of the Office of Information Services at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer of the United States, and Aneesh “Depak” Chopra, former CTO.
It reads like a who’s-who of Asian “America.”
Chao, is, like many a mandarin, pleading ignorance.
The top operational officer for the problem-plagued ObamaCare exchanges said in testimony before a House committee he found it “disturbing” that he was never made aware of significant security issues with the exchanges before they launched. Henry Chao, the Deputy Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director of the Office of Information Services at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), said in an interview with the House Oversight and Reform Committee Nov. 1 that he was never given a Sept. 3, 2013 memo that detailed six security problems, including two designated as “open high findings.”Top Official For Obamacare Exchanges Calls Withheld Security Concerns ‘Disturbing’, Fox News November 11, 2013
But perhaps calling Chao a mandarin is too generous. He is more reminiscent of the second great evil of the Chinese polity after female rulers: the eunuch.
Chinese history is replete with unscrupulous eunuchs serving the ends of extended family of the Imperial household, especially those of the Empress and the Imperial concubines, rather than that of the Chinese polity and the Mandate of Heaven. Certainly Chao is no virtuous Confucian official like K’ang Yu-wei, but a slavish servant of a dictatorial regime; service he seems to hold higher than Confucian “righteousness“.
Which brings us to Todd Park, CTO of the United States, who appears to be as surprised about the ObamaCare disaster as Chao. After an initial attempt to steamroll a subpoena by Darrell Issa, the Regime submitted to the Constitution.
The White House chief technology officer will testify at the House Oversight Committee hearing on Obamacare on Wednesday. The panel had issued a subpoena for him to appear.The administration initially had refused to make Todd Park available for the hearing, saying it would be too disruptive to his work helping spearhead the repair of HealthCare.gov. The administration instead offered to have Park testify in December, but Friday Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa subpoenaed him.White House CTO Todd Park To Testify On Hill, by Brett Norman, POLITICO, November 12, 2013
An interesting connection is that Park is Korean, and that the Obamacare website was rife with stolen coding.
Healthcare.gov, the federal government’s Obamacare website, has been under heavy criticism from friend and foe alike during its first two weeks of open enrollment. Repeated errors and delays have prevented many users from even establishing an account, and outside web designers have roundly panned the structure and coding of the site as amateurish and sloppy. The latest indication of the haphazard way in which Healthcare.gov was developed is the uncredited use of a copyrighted web script for a data function used by the site, a violation of the licensing agreement for the software. Obamacare Website Violates Licensing Agreement for Copyrighted Software, by Jeryl Bier, The Weekly Standard, October 17, 2013
Perhaps Park did not fall far from the Samsung tree.
And then there is Chopra. Despite no training or real experience with information technology, the son of immigrants was the first CTO to oversea the development of the ObamaCare website. Interesting in that his major accomplishment was a Master’s Degree in Public Policy Planning from the decidedly not-technology-related John F. Kennedy School of Government. It’s not as if he went to the Indian Institute of Technology, where the new masters of the universe train.
There we have it: three sons of immigrants have brought about the greatest technological failure in modern America.
We’ve gone from Jewish immigrants giving us the atom bomb (and Communism) to sons of Asian immigrants failing at web-coding.
Not exactly a winning argument for immigration.
It looks like sticking with the white guys is the way to go.