Rise of the Black Serial Killer
Phinehas Fury, phinehasfury.com, April 26, 2011
Americans have had a curious fascination with serial killers, since the days Jack the Ripper prowled the streets of London. {snip}
Most people are familiar with how the story goes. Intelligent middle class white loner, abused as a youth, a bed-wetter until puberty with a morbid fascination of torturing animals as a teen, snaps and begins killing people as an adult. The names and stories of Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Robert Lee Yates and dozens of others fit this description and seem make this idea credible. Turn on the television or read a fiction book about serial killers and this is the idea portrayed, in nearly every instance, serial killers are always white. But is this always correct? The answer is resoundingly, no!
In 2002 a scene in Washington D.C. and surrounding areas played out over a three week period, as the Beltway Sniper kept the nation on it’s toes. In initial reports, authorities were on the lookout for a white male in his mid-thirties, possibly driving a white mini-van. FBI profilers and sketch artists told the masses what this white killer possibly looked like, and what behavior this individual exhibited. Area citizens were on the lookout for anyone fitting this description, as dozens that fit were interviewed. The nation did a double take once the captured killer, with gun in hand turned out to be a Black Muslim that went by the name John Allen Muhammad.
Soon following every black commentator that could be found was on the news media, showing their dismay at the thought of a black killer. {snip}
Admittedly, my perception at the time was skewed as well. Aside from what I vaguely remembered from of Wayne Williams, the black serial killer from Atlanta in the late 70’s; I assumed black serial killers weren’t common. In the numerous books I’d read on the subject, from understanding the psychology behind a sociopath to the fine details of their horrible crimes; Williams was usually the lone black killer in their lists. I assumed, that if black serial killers existed, surely the information would be in print.
The Facts
{snip} What I found not only proved conclusively black serial killers do exist, but of the blatant bias against reporting on them.
At first I thought I’d be lucky to find twenty. Once I eclipsed this mark, I raised the bar to fifty black serial killers, thinking that had to be the ceiling. When my list eclipsed two hundred and counting, I realized this topic is the most ignored subject involving blacks in American history. Every generation from the reconstruction, to present is rife with examples.
To begin, the same criteria used by the FBI for serial killers has been followed. A serial killer is one that has killed at least twice, with a cooling period between each killing in which the murders were premeditated. Spree killers, mass murders, gang killings and hired assassins haven’t been included in the data. {snip}
Currently the official list, of which every black serial killer’s information and crimes has been confirmed, is sitting at 206 entries, with more than a dozen being investigated for possible addition. In just the first quarter of 2011, five that have been apprehended were added. {snip}
One common complaint that arises with the PC types when discussing black serial killers, if they admit they exist, is their constant insisting that these killers only account for a small portion of murders done by serial killers. Whites are to blame they maintain, blacks aren’t possible of such wanton destruction. Again the data speaks another story.
Historically from 1890 to present black serial killers have accounted for almost 26% of all solved murders from serial killers. In just the past three decades, the number rises drastically to 38.9%. This trend shows no sign of stopping anytime soon either. Estimates based solely off current trends, place the possible black serial killers for the decade we’re in, at anywhere from 62.5% to 75% of all serial killers! {snip}
When crunching these statistics, an even more startling trend surfaces. Currently, blacks are a minority in this country and represent about 12.6% of our current population. Of this, black males represent 48% of this total, which equates 6% of the total U.S. population. But this figure represents males from birth to death; a more fine tuned number is in need. When black males from 18-44 are considered solely, it’s found they make up only 38.6% of the previous 6%, or about 2.33% of the total U.S. population.
According to the current list, every black serial killer that has been apprehended is male (there is one instance of a female accomplice, forced to kill). Almost exclusively, they kill or begin their rampage between the ages of 18 and 44. So, the bottom line is a group that represents only 2.33% of the U.S. population has been responsible for producing serial killers responsible for over one quarter of the serial killings from 1890 to present. More shocking, this minority within a minority will committed almost a third of known serial killings in the past decade. {snip}
A Startling Trend
When trying to assess how the trend of black serial killers is on the rise, a of variety key factors come into play. Chief amongst these is the idea that serial killers are always white. Hollywood and popular shows such as Dexter tout this idea and portray serial killings as restricted to whites and on rare occasion Hispanics. Fictional books follow the same theme, without ever straying far from their politically correct course. When a black serial killer is caught, the media coverage is usually restricted to the local market in which they were apprehended. The bottom line is black serial killers don’t draw the same attention as whites convicted of the same crime.
Most everyone has heard of Jeffery Dahmer. {snip} Television documentaries and books gave the gruesome details of his beastly activity for years after his capture. Now twenty years later, his name still invokes fear and wretches stomachs.
While Dahmer’s crimes horrified the nation, barely a decade later a serial killer stalked the streets of St. Louis, committing similar atrocities. He preyed on drug dependent black prostitute, which he took back to his home to be raped, tortured and killed. After his arrest, police found videotapes he’d recorded of his crimes, labeling one of them “My Wedding Story”. In these tapes he forced his captives, which were bound with duct tape to submit to him as their lord and master, while he beat and abused them. Next he repeatedly raped them repeatedly with unusual and torturous foreign objects, he then strangled his victims to death. Forensic investigators noted there were multiple layers of blood sprayed onto the walls. After his capture, he confessed to 17 murders, yet evidence now points to at least 20. However, while police were still in their investigation he hung himself, so the true number may never be known. Despite the horrific nature of his crimes, nary an American has ever heard the name of Maury Troy Travis, primarily because he was black. Had he been white, his name would be as common as Dahmer in the minds of Americans. {snip}
The year 1987 found the capture of Gary Heidnik in Philadelphia, with a gruesome discovery in his basement that horrified the nation. His crime was kidnapping six black women, five of which he kept in his basement as sexual slaves and prisoners. Two died of starvation and trauma in the pits he’d dug. His story made national news for weeks, the nation was outraged and blacks were calling for his swift execution for defiling black women. Even a movie character, Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs was based on his horrible story. While the nation was still reeling from Heidnik’s story, one involving more victims and similar circumstances unfolded just six months later.
Just about three miles from Heidnik’s homemade prison, a predator hunted the same streets where Gary had kidnapped his victims. This killer eventually nabbed eight black women over a one-year period and like his contemporary held his victims prisoner to rape and torture. This killer however, had a lust for blood and strangled each of his victims to death. After death, he performed necrophilia on their rotting corpses for weeks, and when the urge to kill again hit him, he stored the remains in a closet or bedroom with his other victims. {snip}
Closely coupled with the bias against reporting on black serial killers, is the fear that commentators or authors reporting on their crimes will be deemed racist, if they slip and call the killer a pejorative name. Sure it’s okay to call Henry Lee Lucas, the guy that claimed to murder from 3 to 600 people a primitive monster. But should the same name be attached to Marc Sappington, a black serial killer appropriately nicknamed the Kansas City Vampire, blacks nationwide would be screaming for an apology to be issued. Some would stoop low enough to demand the killer’s release as a form of reparations for daring to call a black a monster. An example of this was seen in 1993 after Colin Ferguson killed 6 and wounded 19 on a commuter train, in front of 40 plus witnesses. Thomas Gulotta referred to him as an animal for his barbaric crime. Jesse Jackson and crew immediately responded criticizing Gulotta’s choice of words, fearing a race war would be started and blacks would be hunted down. Even Ferguson’s defense played on this, claiming the witnesses were racist and hated blacks.
{snip} When a black commits a violent crime against a white, the usual demagogues go to work spinning fanciful stories. They tell of how the poor deprived black man, in his lowly state rose up and smote the white man, showing he was an equal, no longer to be shackled or forced into servitude. They cry for his release, claiming that until America has reached a magical egalitarian utopia, this will continue to happen. Closely linked with this, the hip-hop music industry openly promotes and glorifies killing to a generation of young blacks. (Colorado Springs police trace rise in violence to gangster rap music) Charismatic rap stars unabashedly speak of killing whites, cops and raping white women. Meanwhile weak minded whites feel guilty for any racialist thought they’ve ever entertained, and raise their children up to believe the lie that multiculturalism is successful.
This deadly combination of causal effects, pave a path of destruction for black males, as they seek honor and prestige in their communities. While most turn to just rape, robberies and gang violence, more and more are acquiring a taste for blood. As long as these dangerous trends continue, black serial killers will continue to grow more brazen as their ranks swell. {snip}