The Truth About ‘Hate Crimes’ and the Racial Justice Racket
Ron Smith, Baltimore Sun, December 3, 2008
On Thanksgiving morning, the top right-hand corner of this page quoted Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center on what he said was the reaction of hate groups to the dawning of the Age of Obama: “We’ve seen everything from cross-burnings on lawns of interracial couples to effigies of [President-elect Barack] Obama hanging from nooses to unpleasant exchanges in schoolyards. I think we’re in a worrying situation right now.”
Its business is fundraising, and its success at raking in the cash is based on its ability to sell gullible people on the idea that present-day America is awash in white racism and anti-Semitism, which it will fight tooth-and-nail as the public interest law firm it purports to be. {snip}
{snip} but what you probably don’t know about—and what the law center ignores—is the atrocity committed on an interracial couple in Winchester, Calif.: Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, a Polish immigrant, and his African-American bride of two months, Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak. Four African-American Marines, two of them under Sergeant Pietrzak’s command (including Emrys Justin John, 18, of Baltimore), are accused of breaking into the couple’s home and killing them both (one is also charged with a sex crime). In the weeks since the brutal murders, the media have been largely silent about the grisly incident. Would that be the case had the alleged perpetrators been white? Don’t be silly.
And as we have come to expect, the authorities won’t attribute the Pietrzaks’ deaths to “hate.” The Riverside County prosecutor’s office says the crime was motivated by robbery. {snip}
“Hate crimes,” as trumpeted by the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center, are a questionable legal construct used almost exclusively against whites.
Hateful or not, interracial violent crime is overwhelmingly black on white or black on Asian. The Department of Justice’s figures show that between 2001 and 2003, blacks were 39 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than the reverse. Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.