Poll Sheds Light On Attitudes Toward Immigration
Howard Fischer, Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), Apr. 4
PHOENIXMost Arizonans believe that the immigration
of the last few years has been bad for the country, according to a new statewide
The survey done by the Social Research Laboratory
at Northern Arizona University, also shows Arizonans would prefer to spend more
money to limit the flow of border crossers than to integrating new immigrants
into society. Conversely, few want to provide social services for undocumented
But Kristi Hagen, the laboratorys interim
director, said Arizona residents are more evenly divided over whether the country
needs at least some of those who cross the border illegally. She pointed out
that slightly more than half of those questioned like the concept being pushed
by President Bush to let some people not in this country legally remain for
some time if they perform jobs not desired by U.S. citizens.
She also said there is sentiment among a sizeable
portion of Arizonans that the state needs policies to help integrate entrants
into society.
Q: Overall do you believe immigration of people from other countries to the United States in recent years has been good or bad for the country? Good24% Bad53% Not much difference14% Dont know9% Q: Do you want to spend more or less on these activities: Activity / More / Less Arizona border enforcement / 84% / 10% Enforcing law that prohibit hiring of undocumented immigrants / 70% / 23% Deporting undocumented immigrants back to their home countries / 61% / 32% Legal services for immigrants wishing to apply for legal residency / 51% / 40% English language instruction for undocumented immigrants / 46% / 48% Programs to place undocumented immigrants in jobs where workers are needed / 38% / 55% Social services for undocumented immigrants / 19% / 73% – Source: Social Research Laboratory, Northern Arizona University |