Message to White Nationalists from California
Marcus Ruiz Evans, American Renaissance, March 10, 2020
I read “What is to be Done,” published in American Renaissance. As a Californian and as the founder of CALEXIT — the California secession movement — I want to say that you are totally right. The liberal media do paint it as though the only people who support secession are conservatives, when we here in California support it just as much but for liberal reasons.
The American Constitution does say that states shall determine the direction of the country, not a direct popular vote. The majority of the states are conservative and will stay conservative, according to the US Census, until the year 2045. Liberals hate that, don’t respect the Constitution, and are willing to tear everything down so that conservative America doesn’t get to vote the way the Founding Fathers intended.
I know liberals think this way because I am one of them — I’m a liberal and also a Californian. I don’t share your values, but I was raised by conservatives and I learned that lying and cheating to win is not right. I don’t want to live in the America that you want to live in, but I also don’t want violence.
I know that my fellow liberals want to push their values on you because they think they know better than you, and they are willing to take away your rights guaranteed in the Constitution in order to push on you their vision of America. My fellow liberals believe that after their laws are pushed on you, you will eventually come around to see that they were right. As someone who grew up with conservatives, and who has family in Virginia and Texas, I know that is a fantasy. It will never happen.
I am deeply afraid that my fellow liberals don’t get that and aren’t going to until it’s too late. I see people on my side of the divide pushing America towards a super polarized and violently reactive era that will last decades — unless cooler heads prevail. I see the way liberals are pushing things, and that is why I support an amicable divorce. Let’s peacefully separate before we start fighting.
I write this letter directly to extreme conservatives to let you know that you alone have the power to put America on the path to peace and heal our polarized nation. Here is why you are America’s last hope for peace: You can expose the big secret that is keeping California from leaving tomorrow.
You know that the liberal media lie, but Californians don’t know that. They have been told by their media over and over that you conservatives in the middle of America love them and will never let them go, that you secretly want to be them, and will be weeping in the streets if they left. As someone who has family from the middle of America, I know that is not true.
Our movement was stopped in its tracks, not because we were told as Californians that we cannot survive as a nation, but because liberal media and liberal politicians and liberal professors told us we could never get the votes to go peacefully. They’re wrong. I know that a majority of the states, because they are conservative, would happily vote to let California leave America. Tomorrow there could be a majority of the states and the Senate that said, “Yes, you can go, CALEXIT.” This would happen if the people in conservative America stood up with one voice and spoke.
If the Senate and a majority of the states said, “Yes, California can leave the USA now,” it will expose the lies the media have told us here in California. Fifty-five percent of Californians were willing to think about leaving America when Donald Trump was elected. The media in California keep that hidden and claim that only 32 percent of Californians want to leave.

The flag of California waves on a house in Berkeley, California. (Credit Image: © Barbara Munker/DPA via ZUMA Press)
If you in conservative America can disprove the lie that conservatives would never vote for California to leave, it will let us who support Calexit force the media to acknowledge that a majority of Californians do want to leave. We liberal Californians can work with you conservative Americans to achieve a vision of America we both want and that will stop a violent future that liberals are pushing on us.
Here are your options:
California stays.
– “California Values” will be pushed on you. California has an outsized influence on Congress and pushes American Democrats further left.
– Californians will move to your town and change your local laws to reflect California values.
California leaves.
– Congress returns to a balance of left and right ideas. It stops pushing the extreme left because California is no longer there. The remaining liberals realize they have to work with conservatives to pass legislation.
– Because Californians are not American citizens, America can regulate the number of Californians who can move in.
– Shocked by the fact that Congress isn’t dominated by them, many liberals from across America will leave and move to the independent nation of California, making the rest of America even more conservative.
You can keep America. We’ll leave.