Blacks and the Spread of HIV/AIDS
Chris Roberts, American Renaissance, December 21, 2019
Update 12/26/2019: Since this was first published, many more specific cases of blacks knowingly spreading HIV/AIDS have been brought to my attention. They have been added to the chronological list below. Thanks to everyone who helped me put together this list.
Eastern and Southern African nations have higher rates of HIV/AIDS than the rest of the world. Blacks in the United States also have higher infection rates than non-whites. Many migrants from sub-Saharan Africa also contract the disease once they arrive in Europe.
What causes this? First, many Africans hold outlandish theories about the ways HIV/AIDS can be contracted, cured, or treated. One horrifying belief is that sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. The inevitable result is child rape.
In 1998, The Los Angeles Times reported:
This belief has lead [sic] to an epidemic of child rape. “It is hard to find a virgin of 16 nowadays, so men are turning to babies under 10,” says Mamelato Leopeng, an AIDS worker from South Africa.
Because one in four adult males are infected with HIV in some parts of Africa, they are infecting large numbers of young girls. In Zambia, the rate of HIV infection among teenage girls is five to seven times the rate for boys — largely the result of forcible sex with older men. Although a great many rapes in Africa go unreported, in Zimbabwe the number reported increased 30 percent in the last five years. In 1997, more than half of the victims were children, many younger than five. Some young girls are raped by their own fathers or relatives. Many women now report that they are afraid to leave their daughters alone with any man, no matter how close a relative.
One Zimbabwe rapist who called himself “King AIDS” was recently sentenced to life in prison for knowingly infecting an eight-year-old. “We even have cases of children still in [diapers] being raped,” says Jacqueline Pratt, acting chief magistrate of the criminal courts in Harare, the capital city.
Zorodzai Machekanyanga, who heads an AIDS group for women in Zimbabwe, says the problem is rooted in African culture. “The girl child has no value in African society; she is a thing to be used to make men’s lives better.” Women are also thought to be the source of sexually transmitted diseases. In Shona, the majority language in Zimbabwe, AIDS and syphilis are literally called “women’s diseases.”
Although child rape has come under increasing scrutiny because it has become a conduit for AIDS, it is an old practice in Africa. Witch doctors have traditionally prescribed sex with a virgin as a powerful cure for a variety of diseases and personal problems.
In 2000, American Renaissance cited an article reporting that some blacks thought that tea “brewed from the bones of well-known whites” would cure HIV/AIDS:
The farm manager of Hannes Rall, who was a deputy minister of transport in an apartheid administration, helped dig up his former employer’s bones and put them on the market. There is apparently no word on whether the cure will be more potent if the bones are taken from freshly-killed whites.
Many blacks, including black leaders, also refuse to seek help from Western doctors. In 2000, The Washington Times reported:
South Africa has one of the world’s highest AIDS rates, with ten percent of the population — around 4 million people — thought to have the disease, but attempts to fight AIDS are frustrated by the country’s president, Thabo Mbeki. He opposes giving anti-AIDS drugs to pregnant women, which could save thousands of lives, and he recently baffled AIDS experts by declaring that the anti-AIDS drug AZT is dangerous. Mr. Mbeki isn’t even sure the HIV virus causes AIDS, and has convened a panel to find out. Mr. Mbeki’s spokesman, Parks Mankahlana, wrote that the panel would, “attempt to unravel the ‘mysteries’ of the HIV/AIDS virus, including, and more especially, what the profit-takers cannot tell us.” He accuses Western drug companies of profiting from an African AIDS epidemic that may be exaggerated.
Another reason HIV/AIDS is epidemic among blacks is their general sexual behavior. In 2001, The Washington Times reported:
AIDS is the leading cause of death among teachers in the Central African Republic. According to UNICEF, of the 300 teachers who died there last year, 85 percent died of AIDS, and by 2005, between 25 percent and 50 percent of all teachers will have died of the disease. Because it is customary for teachers to have sex with students, they are helping spread the disease. “The average age of female sexual activity is 15, and their first partner is often their teacher,” says Adjibad Karimou of the UNICEF office in Bangui, the capital. “The very people upon whom we rely to teach pupils how to protect themselves against AIDS are often the ones passing on the virus.” Françoise Nboma, head of the English department at Miskine High School in Bangui, says poor girls are most at risk. “They see their teacher as someone to help them. Many parents want their daughters to marry teachers, so they encourage their children to have relationships with them, and the staff don’t refuse.”
Sexual promiscuity and willful ignorance about the disease have created a sickening trend. Many blacks are deliberately infecting people with HIV/AIDS.
Here are just a few examples, stretching from the 1990s to the present, all from the American Renaissance archives:
Helsinki, Finland is in an uproar over the trial of a 35-year-old black American, Steve Thomas, who went on a sex spree after learning that he has the AIDS virus. Mr. Thomas, who is married to a Finnish woman with whom he had two children, reportedly had sex with over 100 women in the last several years. Dozens of them now have the virus. Mr. Thomas worked as a doorman at bars and nightclubs, where women are said to have found him appealingly exotic. He faces more than 100 counts of attempted murder. In 1990 a Helsinki court sentenced an Ugandan man to 11½ years in prison for deliberately infecting women with AIDS.
A similar case has come to light in East St. Louis, Illinois. Twenty-eight-year-old Darnell McGee learned in 1992 that he had the AIDS virus and, according to friends, was determined to give it to as many women as possible. Like Mr. Thomas, he is said to have seduced over 100 young women of all races, ranging in age from 12 to 22. Over 30 have tested positive and one has given birth to an AIDS-infected baby.
Mr. McGee gave rides to young girls in his Cadillac, told them they were beautiful, bought them hamburgers, and argued — sometimes even cried — for sex. In January, Mr. McGee was murdered in what may have been a revenge killing. The man who dispatched him is still at large.
The first man ever brought to trial in Canada for knowingly spreading HIV/AIDS was Charles Ssenyonga, an immigrant from Uganda, but before a verdict could be reached, he himself died of AIDS.
In South Africa’s KwaZulu province, teenagers with AIDS are deliberately spreading the disease so they will not be the only ones to suffer and die. Some have started raping women so as to spread the disease more quickly. Women describe being raped by laughing teenagers who tell them to relax and not to cry because “everyone has AIDS now.” As one rapist explained to researchers, “You know you’ll be rejected, you know you’re going to die. All you can do is go off and spread [AIDS]. It’s your only hope, knowing you won’t die alone.”
One doctor working in rural areas told researchers she no longer tells patients if they are HIV positive unless they ask — and they never do. “They just go out and spread it anyway,” she explains. “Even if they say they’re not, they’re lying. It’s how they cope. I don’t tell them anymore.” Many medical personnel do not even test for HIV for fear that positive results will be taken as a death sentence and a license to rape.
Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala, a lecturer at University of Durban-Westville who has been studying AIDS in the province, called the behavior “quite opposite to what AIDS educators would hope for.”
Sweden has some of the most generous refugee laws in the world. It granted Fawzi Ali Batum political asylum from Somalia in 1993, although he tested positive for the HIV virus. Last February, a Swedish court sentenced Mr. Batum to five years in prison and ordered him to pay $160 million in damages to two Swedish women he infected with the disease. He admitted having unprotected sex with them but said he did not understand the severity of the disease because of language problems.
Anthony Whitfield, a black methamphetamine addict, got AIDS in the early 1990s after he was raped in prison. Although he has known about his infection since 1992, he lived the life of a “player,” bouncing from one girlfriend to another, marrying one, and fathering at least two illegitimate children. He almost always refused to wear a condom. He never told the women about his infection, and lied when asked about it.
In May 2003, health officials in Thurston County, Washington, were investigating a cluster of AIDS cases among local women, each of whom had named Mr. Whitfield as a sex partner. The health officials tracked him down, tested him, and told him he had to use “protection.” According to one of his girlfriends, he had unprotected sex with her that very night. “I know because he always came over and had sex with me on the first of the month,” she says. The Thurston County health department also told Mr. Whitfield he had to report all his sex partners, but instead he left for Oklahoma.
Earlier this year, state health officials tracked him down in Olympia, Washington, and presented him with a cease-and-desist order that required him to tell potential sex partners he was infected, and always to use protection. He signed the order and gave the officials the names of more women with whom he was having sex. Two days later, Mr. Whitfield had unprotected sex with one of the women he named. The health department then contacted the police, who arrested Mr. Whitfield as he was loading his belongings into a U-Haul truck, apparently getting ready to leave the state again.
Washington has a law on the books making deliberate exposure to HIV a Class A felony — on par with murder and rape. He was tried and convicted, and on Dec. 21, he was to be sentenced on 17 counts of first-degree assault for having unprotected sex with 17 different women, five of whom have since come down with AIDS. The charges carry a prison term of 130 to 150 years. At trial, his attorney, Charles Lane, tried to argue that the women bore some of the responsibility for consenting to have sex with his client in the first place. “Everyone of them knew he slept around,” he said. “They had the ability to protect themselves and they didn’t.” Mr. Lane also tried to play the race card, telling the judge (the defense requested a trial by judge rather than jury) that the case had “too many emotional hot buttons,” such as “a black man spreading AIDS to a bunch of white women.” The judge wasn’t sympathetic, noting that Mr. Whitfield had said on two occasions that, “If I had AIDS, I’d give it to everyone I could.” The judge found him guilty of having unprotected sex “with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm.”
In some ways the most disturbing thing about this case was the reaction of the women — all unidentified but mostly white. Many described him at trial as “a caring man who made them feel ‘special.’” Several remained loyal to Mr. Whitfield and testified against him only under compulsion from prosecutors.
He was eventually sentenced to 178 years and one month in prison.
Montgomery County, Maryland, 2004:
A HIV-positive Kenyan man has been jailed for 66 years by a US court for raping two teenage girls two years ago.
William N. Karanja, 34, received 40 years for two counts of second-degree rape, 20 for two counts of second-degree sex offence and six for two counts of knowingly attempting to transmit HIV.
Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge, Louise G. Scrivener, also gave Karanja 15 years for three counts of recklessly endangering a minor, to be served concurrently.
A close relative who spoke to The Standard in London said: “Karanja has previously raped women in Kenya, but his victims were too scared to come forward.”
“My family is devastated, 66 years in a foreign jail, ailing with HIV-Aids, it’s most regrettable, our heart goes to his wife and the victims,” the cousin, who did not wish to be named, said.
After serving his sentence, Karanja — who was in the United States on a visa — will be deported to Kenya, Judge Scrivener said.
Karanja is the first Kenyan to be sentenced to a hefty jail term exceeding three decades in a foreign prison.
Six years ago, another Kenyan, Rashid Musa, 28, was jailed for life by a UK court for raping a teenage boy in a train toilet and an office cleaner at knifepoint in London.
In November 2003, another Kenyan, Mohammed Dica, 40, was jailed for eight years at Inner London Crown Court for infecting two women with the HIV virus.
He was the first person in UK to be convicted with what became known as ‘Biological Grievous Bodily Harm (B-GBH).
Dewayne Boyd is behind bars charged with criminal transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Authorities believe between August 1st and August 10th, the 31-year-old had sexual intercourse three times with one woman. But that’s not the whole story. Investigators learned about the case through Boyd’s father-in-law, who says his daughter suffers from the virus too.
Michael Locascio is Dewayne Boyd’s father-in-law. He says, “My daughter was diagnosed with HIV and it turned out that her present husband gave it to her. And he never notified her. He’d known about it since 1991 and they got married in November of last year.”
An Australian court has jailed an HIV-positive man for 12 years for having unprotected sex with two European tourists.
Stanislas Kanengele-Yondjo, from DR Congo, admitted causing grievous bodily harm by knowingly infecting the women between January and March 2003.
He admitted falsely telling the women — one from Ireland and one from Germany — that he was not HIV positive.
Kanengele-Yondjo, a married father-of-five in his 40s, was diagnosed with the virus in February 1999.
He was eventually sentenced to 12 years in prison.
An HIV-positive B.C. [British Columbia, Canada] man was found guilty Tuesday night of committing sex crimes for having unprotected sex with women to whom he did not reveal his condition.
A jury in Westminster, B.C. convicted Adrien Nduwayo, 36, of five counts of aggravated sexual assault, one count of attempted aggravated sexual assault and one count of sexual assault.

Adrien Nduwayo (Credit Image:
The charges relate to Nduwayo’s failure to disclose his virus and engage in unprotected sex with seven women between 2000 and 2003.
Three of those women now have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
During the trial, court heard that Nduwayo carried on affairs, and slept with more than one woman at the same time.
Several women believed to have had sex with a man who they say didn’t tell them he had the HIV virus, a felony in Idaho, are undergoing testing this week in a Moscow clinic.
So far, about a dozen people linked to the case have been tested for HIV, said Carol Moehrle, director of the North Central District Health Department. She declined to give the results, citing medical privacy laws.
Kanay A. Mubita, 31, has been charged in 2nd District Court with seven counts of transferring body fluids that may contain HIV to seven separate women. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that can lead to fatal AIDS.
Police say Mubita, who holds a Zambian passport, became romantically linked with as many as 20 women while frequenting this university town’s local bar scene.
AIDS timebomb Everson Banda lured women for sex sessions at his holiday campsite caravan.
The African asylum seeker — who was in Britain illegally and nicknamed himself Ace — bedded scores of women trippers and 13 co-workers in three seasons at the resort.
But immigration officials arrested him in a targeted July swoop. And a search of his caravan found letters from lawyers of women who claimed he had given them HIV.
They named up to five distraught lovers infected with the virus — which causes deadly Aids — after having sex with Banda.
The burly caravan salesman, whose own health had been failing, is now back in Zimbabwe after being “removed” by the immigration service on August 19.
He was arrested for overstaying and kicked out after he admitted his claim that he faced imprisonment, torture or death back home was false.
A Home Office source suggested Banda could have been investigated by police if it had been known he was HIV positive before he flew home. Carriers of the virus who knowingly infect sexual partners have already been convicted of assault occasioning grievous bodily harm in British courts.
Banda entered Britain in 2000 — most likely on a tourist visa — but overstayed illegally.
A series of sickening videos have been posted on the internet showing a man who claims to have deliberately “infected” thousands of women with AIDS.
Calling himself ‘Trashman’ and speaking with an American accent, the masked man says he has infected between 1200 and 1500 unknowing victims with the devastating disease.

“Trashman” (Credit Image: YouTube)
He can be seen reading the names and ages of some of the women he claims to have had unprotected sex with in the video clips on website YouTube.
The videos — one of which has been viewed 195,000 times — also feature a web address to a “gangsta” portal filled with pornography and where Trashman has a profile.
In the first video Trashman is filmed reading from a list of women he claims to have infected.
He gloats: “Today I’m doing a show about something that’s more important than killing rappers.
“This here (piece of paper) that I hold in my hand is a list of women who I actually infected with AIDS on purpose.
“So if I call your name and if you just happen to be on my ‘I got the AIDS from that n***er’ list’, then God bless you.”
He then goes on to name several women and their ages.
A Cameroonian poet and activist living in Poland as a refugee since 1999 went on trial Friday in Warsaw charged with having “knowingly infected” 11 women with the HIV virus, his lawyer said.
Held behind closed doors to protect the identity of the victims, the trial of Simon Moleke Njie, 34, also known as Simon Mol, is expected to last “at least a several months,” defence lawyer Mikolaj Pietrzak said.

Simon Moleke Njie (Credit Image:
Polish police detained the suspect in January 2007 after one of his victims filed a criminal complaint against him.
Mol told investigators he had not known he was HIV positive and that he had tested negative for the virus in 1999. But Polish police investigators found that several of his partners told him they had tested positive for the disease after having had intimate relations with him.
Mol became a darling of Poland’s liberal press for organising vocal campaigns against racism and supporting the cause of refugees in Poland.
Police have issued a public safety alert about a Toronto man who is accused of having unprotected sex with a partner he did not tell about his HIV-positive status.
The suspect is accused of having “unprotected sexual intercourse on multiple occasions” after learning he was HIV positive three months ago, but police allege he did not tell his partner about his condition.
While only one alleged victim has been identified, police say the suspect may have had sexual contact with members of both the gay and heterosexual communities.

Carlton Davis (Credit Image: Toronto Police via CTV News)
Carlton Davis, 46, was arrested Thursday and faces four criminal charges, including attempted murder and aggravated sexual assault.
A singer with Germany’s most successful girl band has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm by infecting a partner with HIV.
Nadja Benaissa, who sold more than 5 million records and performed concerts around the world with No Angels, is alleged to have had unprotected sex with three people without telling them that she was HIV positive.

Nadja Benaissa (Credit Image: André D Conrad / Wikimedia)
At least one man has since found he has the virus.
Benaissa, who was born in Germany and has a Moroccan father, was arrested in Frankfurt on Saturday evening shortly before she was due to give a solo performance. She was remanded in custody after a judge ruled that there was a danger she might repeat her alleged offence.
The public prosecutor’s office in the western town of Darmstadt said that the singer was being held because of the “urgent suspicion that the accused had unprotected sexual intercourse with three people in the years 2004 and 2006 without telling them beforehand that she was HIV positive
She was found guilty — but only sentenced to two years in prison.
A special taskforce will track down hundreds of women nationwide who may be infected with HIV after sleeping with acrobat Godfrey Zaburoni.
Some of the 18 concerned people who rang a Queensland Health hotline after the call was put out to find women who had unprotected sex with the HIV-positive Zimbabwean man, were men who had relationships with women he had slept with.
Others were the women themselves, and health authorities and police expect that number to rise, saying Mr Zaburoni could have infected hundreds.
Police in Pirkanmaa suspects a nearly 30-year-old woman with intent to have had unprotected sex, even though she knew she was HIV positive. The suspected woman has worked as an erotic dancer in Tampere, Jyväskylä and Lahti.

Judith Omondi-Mäkelä (Credit Image: Swedish police via Uusi Suomi)
The woman named Judith Omondi-Mäkelä, but has also used the name Rachel. She was born in 1982 and lives in Tampere. She must have had multiple sexual partners during the years 2005 to 2010. The woman is now in custody.
State officials are trying keep a man busted for deliberately spreading the AIDS virus locked up past his prison term.
State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s office has filed paperwork in Buffalo Supreme Court to commit Nushawn Williams to a mental hospital after his prison term expires Tuesday.
Williams, also known as Shyteek Johnson, served 12 years after pleading guilty to reckless endangerment and two counts of rape.
Despite knowing he was HIV positive, he had unprotected sex with 12 women in upstate Chautaqua county and a 15-year-old in the Bronx. . . . Thirteen of Williams’ victims were infected with HIV, with two later passing it on to their own children.
Lenny Love, 29, sexually assaulted his 6-month-old son in March knowing he was infected with the disease.

Lenny Love (Credit Image: Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office)
A man convicted of killing two women by infecting them with HIV says he was only found guilty of first-degree murder because the jury was racist.
Johnson Aziga, 54-year-old Ugandan immigrant believed to be the first person in Canada convicted of murder through HIV transmission, is testifying at his dangerous offender hearing.
Mr. Aziga’s convictions are related to 11 women with whom he had unprotected sex without telling them he had HIV and seven of the women became infected, with two dying of AIDS-related cancers.
An HIV positive college student could have knowingly infected more than 30 people with the deadly virus while secretly filming their sex romps on his laptop, police said.
Michael Johnson, 22, was charged with exposing sexual partners to HIV back in October but prosecutors just announced Thursday that a police investigation uncovered the incriminating videos.

Michael Johnson
An Alabama pastor shocked his flock by reportedly confessing from the pulpit that he has AIDS, had slept with church members, used drugs and misused funds. Rev. Juan Demetrius McFarland of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Montgomery confirmed to NBC affiliate WSFA that he made the admissions in a series of sermons that began in September. Deacon Nathan Williams said the church membership voted 80-1 to remove McFarland as pastor on Oct. 5, but he refused to step down.

Rev. Juan Demetrius McFarland
“He fraudulently concealed from the congregation . . . that he had knowingly engaged in adultery in the church building with female members of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church while knowingly having AIDS,” said the resolution to remove McFarland.
He also “fraudulently withheld information that he had been engaging in the use of illegal drugs while preaching and performing pastoral duties” and “withheld information from church membership that he had misused church funds,” the resolution said.
Richard Lynn has found that blacks are more likely than whites to be psychopaths. Interracial relationships can be dangerous.