When One Crime Becomes Two
Chris Roberts, American Renaissance, April 22, 2019
Both the media and our political class make the most of it whenever a white man kills non-whites. Solitary killers, such as Dylann Roof, Anders Breivik, and more recently, Brenton Tarrant, are used to justify censorship, gun control, and political correctness. The Left also ensures that they become household names.
Crimes committed by non-whites against whites are lightly reported and quickly forgotten because they can rarely be used for more gun control, censorship, and multiculturalism. Quite the opposite: These crimes suggest integration doesn’t work, that whites do not enjoy “privilege,” and that racial tension may not always be the fault of whites.
When a non-white kills or brutalizes a white, one crime often becomes two: The second is an attempt by media, police, or even the victim and the victim’s family to excuse or even justify the first crime — or at least to obscure the race of the perpetrator. Here are some examples that reflect a pattern that is at least several decades old.
- In 1992, a 26-year-old black man raped a 12-year-old white girl in the Detroit suburb of Southfield. The girl was walking to the school bus stop, just seven doors from her home, when she was dragged into a backyard shed. At the trial, Judge Gene Schnelz called the rape “a parent’s worst nightmare.” He pointed out that it took place in “what normally would be a very safe neighborhood,” and said the attack “bordered on the perverse and filthy.” At sentencing, the father made an emotional appeal for — racial harmony. “Most people I know would like to see him [the criminal] hanged, at the minimum thrown into jail and the key thrown away,” he said, but went on to suggest that this would be harsh and divisive. “An incident such as this fuels racial hatred among those who do not think,” he warned, and called for a time of “healing.” [Reported in American Renaissance in February 1992.]
- During the 1992 Los Angeles riots, blacks pulled a white driver named Reginald Denny from his tractor trailer and beat him mercilessly, smashing his face with a fire extinguisher. Other blacks ran up to stomp the barely breathing Mr. Denny and dance little jigs of glee. Doctors said the man’s injuries were like those of someone who was in a 60-mile-per-hour car crash without a seat belt. He later embraced the mother of one of his assailants and excused their behavior because of the hard times they had faced. He decided that racism was to blame for his beating — but racism on the part of the police, not his attackers. He and three other whites who were attacked filed a $40 million suit against the city of Los Angeles, claiming that police did not put down the riots because they didn’t care what was going on in the non-white parts of town. Police “racism” therefore left them at the mercy of understandably angry blacks. [Rescued truck driver is recovering, SF Chronicle, May 4, 1992, p. A6. Minerva Canto, AP, Judge: Riot Beatings Not Racial, March 2, 1998. Reported by American Renaissance in June 1992 and May 1998]
- In May 1993, two 25-year-old white women were raped, sodomized, beaten, robbed, and terrorized for two hours in their swish New York apartment house. The New York Post described the suspect thus: “A muscular black man, 5-10 to 6-feet tall, wearing a red sweatshirt and dark pants.” This was the New York Times’ version: “The attacker is estimated to be between 25 and 30 years old, muscular and 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet tall. He was wearing a red long-sleeve sweatshirt, the police say.” [Larry Celona & Sandy Gonzalez, 2 women in rape nightmare, NY Post, 5/27/93, p. 2. Man rapes and robs 2 women in Chelsea, NYT, 5/27/93, p. B4. First reported by American Renaissance in August 1993.]
- In January 1995, the city of St. Louis was shocked to learn that a black high school student had raped and beaten a white student. This happened during school hours in a girls’ restroom. The black had been transferred to the school only the day before, but had been suspended from his previous school for lurking in girls’ restrooms. He was known to be deranged, and parents wanted to know why he wasn’t in a special school. This crime finally prompted a local television personality, Bruce Bradley, to unburden himself on the air. On January 26, he announced that he was going to talk about something “no one discusses: that black young men commit most of the violent crime in this city and in this country.” He went on to say that “if we refuse to believe this is happening, if we refuse to discuss this, we might as well turn the country over to them.” Mr. Bradley was promptly fired. Just two days later, the front page of the Louis Post-Dispatch was about a white woman who was stabbed to death in her apartment by a young black man whom she had met at work. [Michael Sorkin, Immigrant’s dreams died with daughter, St. Lou Post Dis, 1/29/95, p. 1., Gail Pennington, KETC fires show host who linked race, crime, St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 1/28/95, Virginia Baldwin Hick, Behavior-Disordered students pose dilemma, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1/29/95, p. D1. First reported by American Renaissance in March 1995.]
- Joshua White was a 23-year-old child of hippies who grew up in downtown San Francisco. He was a perfect liberal, who became a child care worker for ghetto children, and had a job as a teacher’s aide for learning-disabled students at Martin Luther King Middle School. In March of 1997, he was shot for no apparent reason by a black man who approached him with a gun, saying “You want to f*** with me?” Despite their grief, Joshua White’s parents blamed society, not the killer. The father said, “The violence and despair that is growing among young people just reached right into our home and took our son. The guy who killed my son might have grown up with more respect for other people if he’d had decent schools and programs and playgrounds.” [Leslie Goldberg, “Love Met Hate’ at Murder Scene, San Francisco Examiner, April 12, 1997, p. A1. First reported by American Renaissance in June 1997.]
- Amy Biehl was an American Fulbright scholar who went to South Africa in 1993 to help register blacks for the nation’s first all-race election in 1994. One evening that year, after she dropped off some black friends in a Cape Town township, she was spotted by other blacks who beat, kicked, and stabbed her to death because she was white. The 27-year-old died on the sidewalk, pleading for mercy. Her four killers were initially sentenced to 18 years in prison but were freed by South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The commission determined that their crime was “political,” since they chanted “one settler, one bullet” as they killed her, and they claimed they were fighting apartheid. The parents of Miss Biehl preached reconciliation from the start and long ago forgave their daughter’s killers. They approved the men’s release with the following statement: “We hope they will receive the support necessary to live productive lives in a nonviolent atmosphere. In fact, we hope the spirits of Amy and those like her will be a force in their new lives.” The parents later started a foundation in South Africa and hired one of her killers to work for it. [AP, Amnesty Board Frees U.S. Student’s Killers, The Augusta Chronicle, July 29, 1998, p. 14A. First reported by American Renaissance in September 1998.]
- In Burlington, North Carolina, in late 1998, three black teenagers kidnapped, raped, and murdered a ten-year-old white girl, Tiffany Long. The badly-beaten body of the outgoing fifth-grader was found in a pool of blood. The suspects did not live far from Tiffany and had known her for about a year. One of them may have attended her church. No one could think of a motive. Alamance County district attorney Rob Johnson said, “I’m somewhat at a loss to explain that.” However, he was sure of one thing. The fact that Tiffany was white and her killers were black “is absolutely no evidence this was a hate crime.” [Taft Wireback and Nancy McLaughlin, 3 Teens Charged in Burlington Girl’s Death, News & Record (Greensboro), October 22, 1998. Kerry Hall, Suspects Saw Tiffany Long Killed, Court Records Show, News & Record, Oct. 27, 1998. First reported by American Renaissance in December 1998.]
- In March of 2000, outside Detroit, a black six-year-old, Dedrick Owens, brought a 32-caliber pistol to school and killed a white girl, a first-grade classmate he argued with the day before. He was known for fighting, and once stabbed a girl with a pencil. He told classmates he was going to kill the girl and later tried to hide the gun. But because he lives in a crack house with weapons lying around, has no mother and a father in prison, and is black, he is the object of as much pity as the parents of the girl he killed. “This kid is as much a victim, in my opinion, as the little girl,” said County Prosecutor Arthur Busch. “It is very sad — we need to put our arms around him.” Kayla Rolland, the victim, was one of only eight whites in her class of 25. [School Boy Killer Lived Amid Poverty, Guns and Drugs, AP, March 2, 2000. Victoria Newton, Young Killer, Sun (London), March 3, 2000. First reported by American Renaissance in April 2000.]
- In 2000, the State Department decided to resettle 3,800 Sudanese men in their late teens and early 20s — the so-called “Lost Boys of Sudan” — in various places in the United States. Before coming here, the Lost Boys had spent a decade in refugee camps, and were unfamiliar with electricity, motor vehicles, and cold weather. Two dozen were settled in Arlington, Massachusetts, with the help of the nearly all-white congregation of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. On August 24, 2001, 19-year-old Lost Boy Daniel Majok Kachuol was lounging outside his apartment when a 20-year-old woman walked by. According to her, Mr. Kachuol introduced himself, then grabbed her by the arm and pinned her against the side of the building. “You’re beautiful, I love you,” he said, and burned her finger with a cigarette. The woman says Mr. Kachuol then threw her to the ground and began raping her with his finger. Another resident of the building heard her yelling, and pushed Mr. Kachuol off of her. Mr. Kachuol plead not guilty to charges of rape and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. The Lutherans vowed to stand by him, and posted $50,000 bail. As Pastor Susan Henry explains, “He’s a member of the congregation. He’s part of the family.” Susan Bailey, 28, who lives across the street from the apartment building, has a theory about what happened. “We feel it was probably a cultural misunderstanding,” she says. [Ellen Barry, One of Sudan’s ‘Lost Boys’ is Charged With Rape, Boston Globe, Aug. 28, 2001. Farah Stockman and Ellen Barry, Charges, Racist Flyers Test Church, Boston Globe, Sept. 3, 2001. First reported by American Renaissance in October 2001.]
- On September 15, 2001, Kenneth, a 30-year-old clothing-store security manager and father of three, was riding the bus to his home in South London, England. The bus was crowded, and on the upper deck where Kenneth (he has not released his last name) sat with a friend, there was just one unoccupied seat, which had a pile of cookies on it. A young Somali man approached with a friend, found the cookies, and started swearing and throwing them. When some of them hit Kenneth, he asked, “Why don’t you just brush them on the floor?” The Somali and his four friends later attacked him, and in the melee yanked one of his eyes out of its socket and damaged the other, leaving Kenneth legally blind. Kenneth has gotten over his initial hatred for his attackers. “It might sound strange but I feel sorry for the people who did this to me,” he says. “They have totally messed up their lives.” [Jason Bennetto, ‘I Feel Sorry for Youths Who Blinded Me’ Says Father Attacked on Bus, The Independent (London), Sept. 26, 2001.]
- On Christmas Eve, 2006, an illegal immigrant from Mexico named Carlos Prieto was driving drunk and crashed into a white family of six in Salt Lake City. Three of the family members died, the mother and two of the children. The widowed father said, “He has to endure all the pain that I have to endure, plus knowing that he was the cause of it. I have hundreds of people coming to visit and thousands of people praying for me. But who’s praying for him?” [WND, Unlicensed DUI ‘Illegal’ Kills Mom, 2 Children December 28, 2006. First reported by American Renaissance in December 2006.]
- In November 2015, two black men, Larry Taylor and Jalen Watson, broke into the home of Indianapolis Pastor Davey Blackburn. The pastor himself was not home, but his pregnant wife Amanda and their 1-year-old son were. The blacks raped Amanda and beat her to death before stealing credit cards. The Pastor later released a statement which read, in part, “Though everything inside of me wants to hate, be angry and slip into despair, I choose the route of forgiveness, grace and hope . . . . Today I am deciding to love, not hate. Today I am deciding to extend forgiveness, not bitterness. Today I am deciding to hope, not despair. By Jesus’ power at work within us, the best is still yet to come.” [Jill Disis, Amanda Blackburn murder charges factor in pregnancy, Indy Star, November 23, 2015. First reported by American Renaissance in November 2015.]
- In the summer of 2018, it was discovered that a white college girl named Mollie Tibbets, who had been missing for weeks, had been killed by Cristhian Bahena Rivera, an illegal immigrant from Mexico. His father spoke at her funeral: “Today, we need to turn the page . . . . Mollie’s nobody’s victim . . . . The Hispanic community are Iowans. They have the same values as Iowans. As far as I’m concerned, they’re Iowans with better food.” [Eun Kyung Kim, Mollie Tibbetts Was ‘Nobody’s Victim,’ Her Dad Says in Powerful Eulogy, AOL, August 27, 2018. First reported by American Renaissance in August 2018.]
It is impossible to imagine people of any other race forgiving or excusing their assailants in this way. It is impossible to imagine whites doing so in any other era. We live in an era of pathological altruism, a condition that affects only us.