Meet Ana Navarro, Hispanic Nationalist
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, May 29, 2018
Ana Navarro is an increasingly high profile “moderate” Republican who appears regularly as a commentator on CNN. She has a laudable sense of cultural identity and is fiercely loyal to her people. There’s just one snag: Her people are not our people.
Miss Navarro is one of those rare darlings of the elite who can claim to be both a minority and a “Republican strategist,” though she has been vastly more successful in the former than the latter role. Her main experience consists of serving as national co-chair of John McCain’s “Hispanic Advisory Council” during the 2008 campaign, and playing the same role for Jon Huntsman in 2012. Neither her help, nor the milquetoast immigration policies of the candidates, attracted many Hispanics, but she is now a recognized political guru and strategy expert.
During the 2016 campaign, this alleged “Republican” voted for Hillary Clinton and was lionized by the media for calling Mr. Trump a “vile bigot,” “flat-out racist,” “jerk,” “swamp thing,” and a “crazy orange man.” She was rewarded with adoring profiles in the New Yorker, Fortune, and the Miami Herald. Sixteen days before the election, she predicted not only that Mrs. Clinton would win but that the Republicans would lose the Senate. So much for the quality of her political analysis.
Early on election night 2016, she spoke in Spanish on CNN about “mi gente” [my people], and bragged that “we” Latinos were the key element of the coalition that would defeat Mr. Trump. Since the election, Miss Navarro has been part of CNN’s stable of reliably anti-Trump Republicans, attacking the President no matter what he does. For example, Miss Navarro complained that it was “dehumanizing” for President Trump to call MS-13 gang members “animals.” She claimed he was talking about all immigrants, adding, “It is what the Nazis did. It’s what slave owners did.” She conveniently seems to have forgotten that in October 2016 she said candidate Donald Trump should drop out of the human race and was an “animal.” Such missteps do not hurt this Nicaraguan, whose pronouncements seem to be taken as moral guidance by white leftists.
Miss Navarro remains true to her people. Last week, two American citizens were briefly detained by a border agent after he heard them speaking Spanish at a convenience store in Montana — a place where Spanish is seldom heard. Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez said the experience left them “shaken and upset,” though Miss Suda was sufficiently unshaken to film the encounter and post it on Facebook. Local media duly picked it up.
Miss Suda’s seven-year-old daughter reportedly asked her mother if they had to stop speaking Spanish in public. Of course, Miss Suda said no. Miss Navarro expressed outrage on CNN and had words of encouragement for the women: “Be proud of who you are, be proud of your roots, be proud of your heritage.”
It is not possible to imagine her saying the same words to an English-speaking white person.
In the same CNN segment, Miss Navarro also referred to an incident in which New York City lawyer Aaron Schlossberg was caught on video passionately insisting that people in the United States should speak English. He has since become a media target, lost the lease on his office, and lost a big client. Elected officials in New York City are calling for him to be disbarred for his “white nationalist beliefs.”
Miss Navarro said of these two incidents: “I pity the fool who goes into a racist rant or who detains people for speaking Spanish. If they ever dare come to the 305 [Miami’s original area code], to Miami where I’m from. God forbid they get lost in Hialeah, they’ll never make it out. They’ll have a heart attack before they do.”
Hialeah, an almost entirely Cuban enclave in Florida, is the setting for much of Tom Wolfe’s last book, Back to Blood, part of the race-based, post-America Wolfe found in South Florida. Miss Navarro’s comments also confirm Congressman Tom Tancredo’s view that Miami is a “Third World country,” a place where “you would never know you’re in the United States of America.”
Miss Navarro went on with the usual nonsense:
Unless you’re speaking native Navajo or native Cherokee, I don’t know why it should arouse suspicion, much less anger, rants of anger, to hear other languages spoken in the United States. We are a land of immigrants and you can hear all sorts of languages spoken . . . . It is part of what makes us a very wealthy country, what enriches our social fiber. You know, diversity makes us stronger, not weaker.
It is always endearing when immigrants explain our country to us. Miss Navarro is a citizen because of President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 amnesty, but this seems to have left her with no feelings of gratitude. Her conclusion sounded almost like a threat:
Whether people like it or not, whether elected leaders like it or not, whether the Border Patrol likes it or not, this is as much our country as it is anybody else’s country. This is a country of immigrants, and no matter how some people try, you can’t erase history. You can’t erase what holds America together.”
These platitudes were met with unconcealed rapture by the anchor, Brooke Baldwin.
Of course, it is people like Miss Navarro who are “erasing history,” as they tear down monuments to the whites who built the country.
Miss Navarro once told an illegal-immigrant “dreamer” — Hispanic, of course — that “this is your country.” She clearly prizes Hispanic identity. She celebrates her tribe’s territorial holdings in southern Florida, encourages Hispanics to speak Spanish publicly, and defies law enforcement. She tells Hispanics to celebrate their identity in language indistinguishable from that of a white nationalist. It’s admirable. Ana Navarro is a racial nationalist, a patriot, and an advocate for her people. But her people are not the American people.