Verified Hate: The Great Replacement Is Back Again
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, May 18, 2021
The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory unless you are celebrating it. A Huffington Post reporter is upset that Republicans are fighting Critical Race Theory and quotes a Democrat state rep who is unhappy about it.
“Florida and Texas are trying to outcompete each other to see who can pass the most far-right Neanderthal legislation,” said Talarico.
“The focus is not children. The focus is on scoring points with old, white voters who see the country slipping away from them demographically.”
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) May 12, 2021
I love it when they say it out loud.
The National Interest also thinks it’s a “problem” if we notice what’s happening.
Millions of Americans who still support Donald Trump see themselves as a persecuted white “minority,” and that’s a problem, Amitai Etzioni writes.
— National Interest (@TheNatlInterest) May 16, 2021
Millions? Not enough. Most whites don’t know what’s happening or what it means. It’s our job to show them.
The Washington Post has a woman editor, and this puff piece about her shows that progressives truly exist in a different reality. Journalism professor Jay Rosen:
From @Sulliview‘s new column on the Washington Post getting its first woman editor, Sally Buzbee, this part struck me. It’s the same question I have.
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) May 16, 2021
Apparently, some really do believe we’re on the road to fascism. One reader goes further:
Um, America already is a white Christian nationalist state, backed by most of the media. What’s happening is those in power feel threatened so they’re freaking out.
— Capulet Poehner (@CapuletPoehner) May 17, 2021
Congratulations to everyone who helped us make America “a white Christian nationalist state, backed by most of the media.” Our secret plan was so effective we couldn’t even talk about it on Twitter or Facebook and can’t use basic financial services. But it worked!
Thousands believe Republicans are actual Nazis:
Can someone please remind me why we’re not supposed to compare the present Republican Party and Trump in America with the 20th Century Nazi Party and Hitler in Germany?
— 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕖 𝔾𝕦𝕣𝕝 (@Sundae_Gurl) May 11, 2021
A strong argument for supporting the GOP:
I would never have said this prior to the Trump era, but I don’t want to live in this country if Republicans end up in control again. My mental health won’t be able to handle it and it’s not like mental healthcare will be any more affordable under R rule.
— WTF America?!? 🌊 (@saveusfromGOP) May 13, 2021
Though Donald Trump was a weak president, many people think he was an autocrat.
12/ There is and can be *no Republican Party* separate from the *personal and political interests of Donald Trump*. The party exists to facilitate Trump’s ongoing attempt to seize authoritarian control of our government. Any Republican who thinks otherwise is a fool and a sucker.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) May 15, 2021
An “antiracist physician” tells the world about her pain:
Minding my own business shopping and a middle-aged white woman asked me if I work there.
When I looked at her blankly and answered back in a deadpan voice “no”, she giggled it off and said “I was just wondering where to put this shirt back”.
But I’m a bad person if I go off.
— Brittani James, MD (@DrBrittaniJ) May 15, 2021
Stop asking Black people why they are angry.
I can’t even shop in peace.
— Brittani James, MD (@DrBrittaniJ) May 15, 2021
This happens to everyone. Blacks really can’t even “shop in peace?”
Some whites can’t live in peace. Here’s what one white woman says happened to her on Mother’s Day.
Disabled veteran says four black women brutally attacked her on Mother’s Day: ‘F*** you, you white b****’
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) May 16, 2021
Will the police follow up? We know the national press won’t.
Here’s a black man beating a white woman in a store. There is virtually no media coverage. Many people approve of the attack. So much for #MeToo.
In most videos of Karen activity I see in the comments “I would’ve put hands on them” or “how you aint beat they ass” well welcome to Richmond, VA where we punch Karen’s 😂
— Makoto Shishio (@bang_40) May 13, 2021
Still, there is trouble in the progressive ranks. The woke are increasingly angry with President Biden because of Israel and Palestine.
White people want us to say Biden is better than Trump because THEY feel safer right now
— Nick is a Fred Hampton Leftist 🥋 (@SocialistMMA) May 16, 2021
“Were there not an Israel the United States would have to invent an Israel”
Joe Biden also said Israel is the best $3 billion dollar investment the US has made. And now he is POTUS and the highest politician in the nation that continues to fund an apartheid against Palestine.— M. ✨ (@TheSpiceQueen_) May 11, 2021
Apartheid states aren’t democracies.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 15, 2021
The split within the Democratic Party over Israel will be more important than the supposed division within the Republican Party over the January 6 protests. The Coalition of the Fringes could fracture over whether Israelis are white.
Neither the GOP nor the Democratic party care much about America’s national interests. Both sides seem far more passionate about who wins a tribal war in the Middle East than they do about America First.
Here’s a sighting of the American paradox. Was America built around white nationalism or racial equality?
The voices like @AOC truly represent America and the foundation of the country and the values which were once part of it.
— Zameer Ahmed Malik (@ZameerAMalik) May 15, 2021
The position here is that America was built on egalitarianism. However, didn’t racist Anglo-Saxons create America and her institutions? One progressive makes the novel argument that whites didn’t create America, but actually destroyed an already existing country.
before Europeans got there
— wes (@96WESAMj) May 16, 2021
The tweet below is not anti-white but it is interesting. England expelled black slaves in 1596, preferring racial unity over cheap labor. Of course, those who argue race was “invented” to justify colonial slavery will have a hard time explaining this.
In 1596, all black slaves were expelled from England.
— Ali Bosque (@AshwagandhaAli) May 11, 2021
The source is The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas by David Eltis.
This tweet is from a member of Congress.
There’s a Black maternal health crisis going on in our country, Ted. We die at 3X the rate of white people during childbirth. Our children die more often during childbirth.
There’s legislation introduced in the Senate that will help put an end to it. Log off and co-sponsor it.
— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) May 10, 2021
There’s no real evidence that “racism” kills black infants. White infants die more often than Hispanic infants, in what the Huffington Post caused the “Latino Health Paradox.” Race realists know there is no paradox. Races are different and this has consequences. However, since we can’t admit this, we get absurd theories about white racism.
Shakespeare’s Globe theater has fallen to Wokeness, with the help of Cambridge University Press.
What does it mean to read Shakespeare through an anti-racist lens?
As part of our commitment to decolonising the plays of Shakespeare, we’re running free Anti-racist Shakespeare webinars alongside our summer plays (thanks to the support of Cambridge University Press!) #ShakeRace
— Shakespeare’s Globe (@The_Globe) May 13, 2021
#Shakerace is the worst hashtag I’ve ever seen.
A black man agrees with me that the “Oracle” statue in Rockefeller statue is an insult.
The only thing that would make this more offensive to me would be a nosebone. This needs to be removed right now.
— 🕺🏿6LACK 3LVIS 🇺🇸 (@JT_is_Me) May 12, 2021
He’s right.
A new video shows protesters inside the Capitol on January 6 talking to police about their right to assemble peacefully. I’ve been told by those who were there that the in some places, police and protesters talked calmly. In others, they fought.
We can say two things with confidence. First, Trump supporters did not kill Officer Brian Sicknick. Second, an officer whom the police refuse to identify killed an unarmed white woman who posed no deadly threat. Leftists say she had it coming.
Ashli Babbitt wasn’t executed. She traveled 3000 miles to overthrow the government. Full stop
— Leighanne (@DarkLady4202) May 12, 2021
Ashli Babbitt knew what she was doing storming the Capitol.
She was an insurrectionist. A terrorist. End of discussion.
— 🇺🇸🇺🇸Democrat PATRIOT 🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@serena_patriot) May 12, 2021
Ashli Babbitt was NOT executed. Breonna Taylor WAS. Ashli was violently breaking into the Capitol. Breonna was sleeping in bed.
See the difference, Paul Gosar?
— 💙Rapunzel™ is Fully Vaxxed! 💙 (@co_rapunzel4) May 12, 2021
Taylor was part of her boyfriend’s drug operation, and he opened fire on the police. Of course, the facts don’t matter.
Finally, from Ol’ Faithful:
White people would rather die than tell the truth about white supremacy, racism and their role in both.
— saira rao (@sairasameerarao) May 17, 2021
Unfortunately, many would rather die than be called a racist. Those who take our own side will win.