Photos: Minneapolis Braces for the Trial of Derek Chauvin
Gilbert Cavanaugh, American Renaissance, March 9, 2021
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s trial began this week. With last summer’s riots on everyone’s mind, the city is preparing for violence. The courthouse, government center, and surrounding buildings are boarded up, and in some cases, fortified with fencing, concrete barriers, and barbed wire:
The National Guard is in the streets as well:
Protests demanding Mr. Chauvin be found guilty started on Sunday:
The trial will last several weeks, and anti-Chauvin demonstrations are expected the entire time. Anything less than a guilty verdict for murder, and the city will erupt as Ferguson did in 2014 and Los Angeles did in 1992. And Officer Chauvin is supposed to get a fair trial in this circus atmosphere?
There is a silver lining. Racially-charged trials, and the Left’s reaction to them, raise white consciousness. As Gregory Hood put it in 2019:
Almost every white advocate I’ve met who joined after 2014 says it was the Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown case that “woke him up.” Race is the subject about which the media are most transparently deceptive, and this prompts doubters to look for alternatives. The more people disbelieve the media, the more they will join our cause.
Whatever the outcome of the trial, few whites will miss the news about the verdict. It will be another reminder that race is what matters most in America, and that whites must start taking their own side.