This table, from page 70 of On Genetic Interests, shows the relative degrees of relatedness of 26 different European ethnic groups, in terms of how many immigrants of each group it would take to reduce the genetic interests of every other group by the equivalent of one child or sibling. The smaller the number at the intersection of each pair of populations, the more distantly related they are. The first column compares Basques with the other 25 groups. Because Basques are most similar to their neighbors, the French and the Spanish, it takes a relatively large number of Basque immirants to reduce French or Spanish genetic interests by one child-equivalent. The highest number on this table—104—indicates that Austrians are very closely related to the Swiss. The generally low numbers at all intersections for Lapps and Sardinians with other groups indicate that they are the most genetically peripheral of European populations, and the value of 2.2 at the intersection of Lapps and Sardinians themselves—the lowest number on the table—suggests that they are at opposite peripheries of the European group.