Our Issues

The Philosophy of Race Realism

What we call race realism is what was considered common sense until perhaps the 1950s. It is a body of views that was so taken for granted it had no name, but it can be summarized as follows: That race is an important aspect of individual and group identity, that different races build different societies that reflect their natures, and that it is entirely normal for whites (or for people of any other race) to want to be the majority race in their own homeland. If whites permit themselves to become a minority population, they will lose their civilization, their heritage, and even their existence as a distinct people.

All other groups take it for granted that they have a right to speak out in their own interests. Only whites have lost this conviction.

White Survival: Beyond Left and Right

Racial identity at its most basic is neither “conservative” nor “liberal.”

Why Race Matters

The great Sam Francis describes the threats against our race and culture and explains why they must be met in specifically racial terms.

Multiculturalism and the War Against White America

Lawrence Auster explains the contradictions inherent in the current myths about race, and urges whites to come to grips with the crisis they face.

The War on White Heritage

Sam Francis explains why attacks on the Confederate flag are simply a first, easy target of people whose real intent is an assault on whites and their culture. Northerners may have no emotional attachment to the Confederacy, but they, too, will soon find their own symbols and heritage under attack.

Pathological Altruism

Jared Taylor examines why whites are unable to take the most basic steps to protect themselves against dispossession.

Race and IQ

One of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence. It is widely accepted that genes account for much of the difference in intelligence between individuals, but many people still refuse to believe genes explain group differences in average intelligence. This blindness leads to futile attempts to eliminate “achievement gaps” between the races and leads whites to accept the view that if blacks and Hispanics are less successful than whites, it is because of white “racism.”

The Definitive Word on Intelligence

Arthur R. Jensen, The g Factor, Praeger Publishers, 1998, 648 pp.

Jared Taylor’s detailed review of Arthur Jensen’s magnum opus on intelligence. In a sane world, Prof. Jensen’s work would have earned him a Nobel Prize, and this review is the best non-technical summary of his pioneering work.

For Whom the Bell Curves

Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, The Free Press, 1994, 845 pp.

This is a detailed review of the famous book that kicked up a huge controversy about race and intelligence when it was published in 1994. It is still one of the best introductions to the genetic contribution to intelligence, and the importance of IQ for society and individuals.

A New Theory of Racial Differences

J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution, and Behavior, Transaction Publishers, 1995, 334 pp.

Philippe Rushton brilliantly applies what is known as r-K theory to human racial differences. He demonstrates that races evolved separately and developed entire patterns of consistent differences. There is no better analysis.

Why Race Matters

Michael Levin, Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What They Mean, Praeger Publishers, 1997, 415 pp.

Michael Levin brings a philosopher’s logic and unerring eye for cant to the question of race and intelligence.

Why Some Races Are Smarter Than Others

Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis, Washington Summit Publishers, 2006, 322 pp.

The other reviews in this section mainly address the evidence for a substantial genetic contribution to racial differences in average IQ. This book is an eye-opening explanation of how these differences affect life and culture around the world. It includes detailed information on virtually all groups, including Australian Aborigines and American Indians.

Racial Consciousness

Racial loyalty or racial consciousness is normal and healthy. All non-white groups instinctively pursue their own interests, and legitimately so. It is only whites who have been taught that it is immoral to take even the most basic steps to ensure their survival.

AR has published several key articles on the significance of racial consciousness as well as studies of how people of various races express that consciousness.

What is Racism?

This Thomas Jackson essay from 1991 explaining the fatal double standards of current racial thinking has become a classic.

Black Racial Consciousness

This is a relentlessly convincing demonstration by Jared Taylor of the racial attitudes taken for granted by blacks. Consciousness of race permeates every aspect of black life and often erupts into hostility toward whites.

Hispanic Consciousness

Hispanics have a clear loyalty both to their racial group and to the countries from which they came. This exhaustive analysis leaves no doubt about the risks of large-scale immigration from Mexico.

The Decline of White Racial Consciousness

Up until just a few decades ago whites had a racial consciousness that was just as strong as that of other groups. The “racist” quotes from many prominent Americans from the past will surprise you. Jared Taylor traces the fatal decline of white racial awareness.


For anyone brought up on the cartoon history taught in American schools, it is a surprise to learn what really happened in the past. Egalitarians unabashedly distort history in the name of orthodoxy. It is our job to resurrect the truth.

Selma to Montgomery, 30 Years Later

The 1965 march Montgomery, Alabama, is considered one of the great triumphs of the civil rights era. You will be startled to learn of the degeneracy of the marchers who descended on the small town of Selma. Journalists were amazed too, and were annoyed when their candid accounts were edited out.

The War with Mexico

Mexico wanted war with the United States in 1846 and believed it would win. The dictator at the time, General Mariano Paredes, boasted that he would not negotiate with the Americans until the Mexican flag flew over the capitol in Washington. After they were defeated, the Mexicans ratified the exchange of territory by accepting payment.

This article sets the record straight.

The Untold Story of White Slavery

Robert C. Davis, Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 246 pp.

This review is filled with startling facts about the European slaves taken by Muslim raiders from about 1500 to 1800. Slave raids went as far as Iceland, and might return with as many 7,000 captive whites. Galley slaves were worked until they died and then tossed overboard. This is an amazing corner of history that is largely ignored.

Black Slaveowners

Larry Koger, Black Slaveowners: Free Black Slave Masters in South Carolina, 1790-1860, University of South Carolina Press, 1985, 286 pp.

This review uncovers yet another neglected part of history: the readiness with which free blacks took to owning slaves. This study is limited to South Carolina, but lays to rest the myth that blacks bought slaves only for the purpose of freeing their relatives. Profit and prestige were the main motives.

Slavery in the New World

David Brion Davis, Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World, Oxford University Press, 440 pp.

The reviewer deplores the “anti-racist” preening of the author but passes along countless fascinating facts about slavery in the Western Hemisphere. This book is one of the most comprehensive histories of slavery in the Americas.

The Man Who Invented White Guilt

Raymond Wolters, Du Bois and His Rivals, University of Missouri Press, 2002, 311 pp.

W.E.B. Du Bois had an enormous impact on the way both blacks and whites think about race. This book lays bare the anti-white animus, the single-mindedness, and the out-and-out Communism of one of the most influential blacks in American history. It also describes the deep involvement of whites in the establishment of the NAACP.

The King Holiday and Its Meaning

Sam Francis explains the tremendous significance of making Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday a national holiday, and describes the work of several southern senators who tried to block the holiday. Francis also explains why there were no Senate hearings on the holiday — and what those hearings might have brought to light.

Madison Grant and the Racialist Movement

George McDaniel describes the career of the distinguished white activist Madison Grant. Our movement has deep roots among the best men of America’s past.

First-Person Accounts

Some of the most powerful writing in AR is by ordinary people describing their everyday experiences with non-whites. Each of these accounts is a compelling story about the continuing tragedy of multi-racialism.

White Man in a Texas Prison

Yes, it is as bad as you might imagine — though not always in the ways you might think.

Blacks and High Steel

An extraordinary account of what it is like to build the steel frames of skyscrapers and the camaraderie that spontaneously arises in this dangerous profession — and of the terrible damage affirmative action did to it.

A White Teacher Speaks Out

An unflinchingly look at what America’s public schools have become.

Hell on Wheels

A recent immigrant from Hungary gets a job working in the New York City subway and is shocked by the anti-white venom he finds among passengers and co-workers.

Urban Law 101

An amazing and often hilarious description of what it is like to work as a divorce lawyer for blacks. The author did not start out with the intention of building a black clientele, but this was where the business led him. He has written an eye-opening description of the everyday pathologies and difficulties so many blacks face.

Dispatches From the Go-Slow Zone

A “colorblind conservative” accepts a job in city government and is assigned to an office that is overwhelmingly black and Hispanic. He soon becomes painfully color-conscious. Another hair-raising account that has the hard ring of authenticity.

How I Saw the Light About Race: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII

How do Americans break through the blinders of contemporary orthodoxy and achieve a realistic view of race? These first-person accounts by AR readers describe the events — sometimes sharp and dramatic, sometimes slow and incremental — that changed their lives.

Katrina Diary

How did blacks in New Orleans behave after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005? The first media reports were filled with horrific barbarism, but some of these stories were later retracted. The author of this article was a cook in a New Orleans restaurant who took refuge in the New Orleans Superdome — and saw it all.

Race and the Law

The legal framework of the United States has changed considerably with regard to race. School integration, “civil rights,” racial preferences, the franchise — all have evolved in ways that undermine the ability of whites to lead their lives as they wish. The record in this area is a triumph of ideology over common sense, justice, and the Constitution.

Discrimination Against Whites Still Legal

Jared Taylor on the shameful final decision in Fisher v. University of Texas that upheld affirmative action in our university system.

Good Reasons, Bad Reasons, or No Reason at All

Richard Epstein, Forbidden Grounds, Harvard University Press, 1992, 530 pp.

The book reviewed in this article is the definitive treatment of anti-discrimination law. If you think that laws to protect blacks, women, the handicapped, or the elderly from job discrimination are good or necessary, this book will cure you. It is an intellectual tour de force.

Integration . . . Disintegration

Raymond Wolters, Burden of Brown, University of Tennessee Press, 1984 (paperback edition 1992), 346 pp.

A distinguished scholar shows how the false assumptions of the Brown decision led to the destruction of hundreds of American public schools. A scholarly but riveting account.

Legal Shackles For Whites

Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence Stratton, The New Color Line: How Quotas and Privilege Destroy Democracy, Regnery Publishing, 1995, 247 pp.

This book describes the shameless way the Supreme Court and Congress have manipulated the law in ways that shackle whites. Although some of the most blatant anti-white practices have been ended by ballot initiatives, systematic discrimination against whites still has the force of law.

Crime and Disorder

When there is significant demographic change, the entire texture of life changes. One of the most obvious consequences of an increase in the black population is an increase in crime.

The Color of Crime

The most thorough examination of race and crime in the United States.

Confessions of a Public Defender

A liberal reflects on a decades of experience defending black criminals.

The Wichita Massacre

Stephen Webster offers the most complete account ever published of the horrific assault, sexual torture, and murder of four whites by two blacks on the night of Dec. 14, 2000, in Wichita. Was this a crime of deliberate anti-white hatred or simply two blacks out on a tear? The media simply hid the crime rather than answer the question.

The Knoxville Horror

Nicholas Stix reports on one of the most gruesome rape/murders of recent times. As is their habit, the media covered up the facts, especially the racial angle.

Africa in Our Midst

Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans on August 29, 2005, unleashed a nightmare of looting, violence, and degeneracy. Jared Taylor’s synthesis of contemporary news reports lead to one of his most controversial conclusions: “The races are different. Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western Civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears. And in a crisis, it disappears overnight.”


Race realists have a great advantage over those who push egalitarian orthodoxy: We accept what science says about race and genetics, and are eager for further discoveries. The more progress science makes the more secure our positions become.

The Persistence of Race and Genes

Nicholas Wade, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History, Penguin Press, 2014, 266 pp.

Jared Taylor reviews an excellent primer on what we know about the basic differences between the races.

What We Owe Our People

Frank Salter, On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethny and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration, Peter Lang, 2003, 388 pp.

This is a detailed review of one of the most important books on genetics you will ever read. It explains in careful detail why racial solidarity is no different from — and just as necessary as — family solidarity. The genetic underpinnings of ethnic consciousness are as strong as those of the love parents have for their children.

This book is a scientific justification for the racial solidarity all healthy people feel instinctively.

What Science Says About Diversity: Part I and Part II

A review of the literature on everything from plant behavior to brain function to choice of mate to social patterning shows that nature itself is ethnocentric. Humans are no different from other species: They prefer the company of their own kind. Attempts to stimulate and glorify diversity are clearly an attempt to thwart our most basic instincts. An exhaustive and eye-opening series by Jared Taylor.

Race and Physical Differences

Race is much more than “skin color.” The differences are many, and well pronounced.

Race and Health

We hear over and over that blacks and Hispanics are in worse health than whites. The most common explanation is that they are denied medical care because of “racism” and that the pressures of “oppression” shorten their lives. A mountain of evidence suggests otherwise: There are clear genetic differences between the races that affect health — and whites do not always fare the best.

Immigration and the Demographic Transformation

The single greatest threat facing whites is mass immigration of non-whites into white homelands. If it continues, whites will become a minority in the United States before mid-century. Britain, Canada, and Australia will also lose their white majorities. The culture of the West will not survive the disappearance of the people who created it.

If We Do Nothing

Jared Taylor explains: “Our country has embarked on a course that will make ever larger parts of it inhospitable, even off-limits, to whites. Eventually the country as a whole could become one in which whites do not wish to live.”

Why are we doing this to our country?

¡Adios, America!: Coulter’s Call for Immigration Sanity

More than any other author today, Ann Coulter has written clearly and simply about the threat of mass immigration, and what needs to be done about it.

Waging War on America

Joseph E. Fallon explains how Congress has passed laws that are bringing about the dissolution of virtually every tie that holds the American people together: language, culture, race, and national consciousness.

Fade to Brown

How did we get an immigration policy that will reduce whites to a minority? Stephen Webster explains.