Loretta Sanchez on Univisión: “Vietnamese” Trying to Take Her Congressional Seat Away from Democrats
Gustavo Arellano, OC Weekly, September 20 2010
In the same answer, Sanchez tells Ramos [Univision’s Al Punto host Jorge Ramo] in pocha Spanish that Democrats might not come out to vote, thereby sealing a comeback for the GOP. It’s especially worrisome for her, she says, because “the Vietnamese and the Republicans are–with an intensity (emphasis hers)–trying to take away this seat, this seat that we [Democrats] have done so much for our community, take away this seat from us and give it to this Van Tran, who’s very anti-immigrant and very anti-Latino.”
I won’t dispute Loretta’s characterization of Tran, but seriously, Loretta: “Vietnamese” are trying to take your seat? Whither Phu Nguyen? Whither Bao Nguyen? {snip} ¡Tan pendeja que eres!
[Loretta Sanchez’s complaints about Vietnamese opposition to her campaign can be heard at the original story.]