Revealed: Anti-White, Pro-BLM Social Media Posts of Black Woman Charged in White Child’s Death
Gabriel Keane, National File, January 25, 2021
On January 20, black adoptive parents Ariel Robinson and Jerry Robinson were charged in the blunt force homicide of their adopted white daughter, 3-year-old Victoria Rose Smith. Smith’s death was discovered just days after a deluge of anti-white, pro-Black Lives Matter social media posts by Ariel Robinson in response to pro-Trump protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Ariel Robinson, 29, achieved a meager amount of notoriety after winning Season 20 of the Food Network show Worst Cooks In America. She leveraged that modest following to advocate for BLM and leftist politics on social media, and attempted to jumpstart a career in standup comedy.
TMZ found footage from one of Ariel Robinson’s standup routines where she “jokes” about punching her children in the throat and locking them up in cages. {snip}
January 6’s pro-Trump protests at the Capitol elicited a strong reaction from Ariel Robinson. She reposted a slew of tweets from Democrat celebrities that ranted about white privilege and praised BLM, and even wrote some political posts of her own on her @arifunnycomedy Twitter and Instagram pages.
“In my house, my black children get treated the same as my white children, and my white children get treated the same as my black children. It’s a shame that when they go out into the real world, that won’t be the case. #WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter,” Robinson tweeted, using the white privilege and BLM hashtags many more times during the lengthy tweet spree.
“Racism is my biggest pet peeve,” Robinson tweeted {snip}
Just a few days before Smith’s death, Robinson posted pictures of herself with the child and described Smith as her “mini me.”