Siblings Outraged by Their Brother’s Fatal Shooting
Alex Parker, Red State, October 13, 2019
Tragically, 23-year-old Roosevelt Rappley was fired upon inside the store along the 2200 block of North Gettysburg Avenue Wednesday night.
Siblings Rochelle and Tone Rappley are furious.
Rochelle told local Channel 7 the worker had no business having a gun onsite to start with, let alone fatally targeting her brother.
“[W]rong is wrong. That was wrong for that clerk to shoot my brother in the chest…”

Tone and Rochelle Rappley
Tone’s in complete shock:
“I still don’t believe it. … [A]t the end of the day, I don’t believe my brother’s dead. … [I]t ain’t kicked in yet.”
Police have confirmed that the employee — who was legally allowed to possess a firearm — was indeed the gunman.
However, even given the shock of his shooting, Rochelle does grant Roosevelt partial responsibility:
“He’s got some responsibility, but not all!”
The worker wasn’t the only one packing heat:
“Police say…Roosevelt…showed a gun and demanded cash Wednesday.”
In a 911 call, a man told dispatchers that a man with a gun attempted to rob him at the store.
“He pointed a gun at me,” the caller said. “I had a firearm on me. I pulled my firearm and I shot him in self defense.”
The caller also said that the suspect “shot back,” but it is not clear how many shots were fired during the incident.
[Lt. Jason Hall] told dispatchers that there [were] other staff in the store at the time and that the suspect pointed a gun at them as well.
Rochelle appears to believe the store employee was being reprehensibly petty:
“Yes, he’s robbin’ y’all — oh WELL.”
She thinks a little bit of decorum was in order:
“Call the police. That’s what y’all are supposed to do.”
Cops say Roosevelt might’ve been involved in other robberies, too.
But Rochelle is indignant:
“Y’all are not supposed to take matters into y’all’s own hands. If that’s the case, I’ll take matters into my own hands.”