Anti-White Racism in the News
GalliaWatch, October 8, 2012
Everybody is talking about the admission by Jean-François Copé, general secretary of the UMP and candidate for the chairmanship of the party, that white Frenchmen are victims of anti-white racism. Here is a quote from his statement:
“An anti-white racism is developing in the neighborhoods of our cities where individuals – including some who have French nationality – show contempt for the Frenchmen known as the ‘Gaulois’ on grounds they do not have the same religion, the same skin color or the same origins as they.”
As a result of Copé’s frank admission, Jacques Bompard, mayor of the city of Orange, and deputy (since June 2012) in the National Assembly, addressed Interior Minister Manuel Valls on the subject of anti-white racism in France, during a question-and-answer session in the Assembly on October 2. The video, followed by a translation is below. Notice the stir Bompard creates among the deputies, and the visible disarray of the man in the yellow jacket. Throughout his speech you’ll hear catcalls.:
– One of our colleagues from Seine-et-Marne, Jean-François Copé, denounced publicly the anti-white racism in some of our neighborhoods. His words echo those of Mme Vallaud-Belkacem, government spokesperson, in her book, Raison de plus, in which we find a few courageous and lucid remarks on this form of racism. This is not the view of one party or one line of thought, but covers the whole political spectrum. It is also recognized by sociological studies that say that ten percent of ethnic Frenchmen have experienced racism at least once. A few examples: a couple is visiting a government housing project, they are called “dirty French” and find, on leaving, that their car has a slashed tire; or retired people who, on election day, do not dare leave their home to vote because outside a gang is waiting for them. To give an example that happened this weekend in my district: two young athletes, who were walking along the boundary of a housing project, were attacked because they were not of the same ethnic group as their aggressors. This anti-French racism can also take the form of anti-Western discrimination that targets those who have integrated.
At 1’28” the camera moves in on an attractive brunette in black. This is Moroccan-born Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, minister in charge of women’s affairs and spokesperson for the government.
As an example: in a housing project a woman of Moroccan origin, whose children were insulted, forbidden to participate in games with the other children. Her crime? She is divorced, wears pants, and refuses to wear the veil. They call her a prostitute when she walks by. In a school where almost all the students are foreigners or of foreign origin, the children of mixed couples are ridiculed and treated as “pig eaters”. From all evidence it would appear that the government did not measure the scope of this phenomenon, but it doesn’t…
Note: At this point he is cut off and Interior Minister Valls has the floor:
– Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Article 225-1 of the Criminal Code punishes any distinction based on origin, on the fact that one belongs or does not belong, whether it be true or assumed, to a specified nation, race or religion. The law is the same for all and will never distinguish between the victims of racism. For us there is no anti-black racism, anti-Maghrebin racism, anti-white racism, there is only racism, racism that we must always combat.
Valls is cheered as he speaks.
In the communiqué below from deputy Bompard, posted at Le Salon Beige, he responds to Manuel Valls:
The press is talking about Mr. Valls’ response to me yesterday during the question-and-answer session with the government. When I asked about anti-white racism, he skirted my question, stating that he was not aware of this racism, or of anti-black racism or of anti-arab-racism, since he did not distinguish between the various forms of racism and that all were equally condemnable.
I would have gladly applauded Manuel Valls if, unfortunately, I had not known that between the declarations and the facts, there is a chasm of lies.
Manuel Valls is, in truth, a Socialist minister within a Socialist government. For thirty years now, the Socialist Party has made denouncing racism its specialty, backed by the association SOS-Racism, founded by Socialists, the first president of which is today the first secretary of the Socialist Party.
Note: That would be Harlem Désir. I wrote briefly about him here.
Now, what does SOS-Racism say even today about anti-white racism? “The first victims of discrimination in our country are persons of immigrant origin”. So the association does make a distinction after all and establishes a hierarchy among the various forms of racism. This simple fact reenforces the meaning of my request for a commission of inquiry into anti-racist associations that receive public money. I remind you that SOS-Racism has fewer than fifty members in all of France, but fifteen of them are permanent salaried employees…
Furthermore, I notice that in order to inflate his response, Mr. Valls opened the catalogue of oratorical effects to the pages entitled “indignation” and “republican values”. That anyone should evoke racism against whites shocks his delicate soul and his unshakeable principles. That anyone should dare question him on this topic constitutes the ultimate impropriety, almost an admission of racism against the other races.
And yet this is the same Manuel Valls who, in 2009 seeing that a market place in his city of Evry only contained merchants who were foreigners or of foreign extraction, exclaimed to a colleague: “What an image of the city! What an image of the city! Give me some white people! Whites! Blancos!”
In conclusion, and since the rules of the National Assembly do not permit me to respond to Manuel Valls, I would like to say this to him. To deny or minimize the racism against ethnic Frenchmen, is to continue to deny the reality of ethnic communitarianism in our country. To affirm, as the Left does, that one must not distinguish between various racisms is, on his part, hypocrisy. I must add that if it is intolerable that an African be a victim of racism in France, it is unbearable that a Frenchman be a victim of racism in his own country and in the indifference of his own government.”