Obama on Ferguson: The Problem Is the Justice System, Not Violent Criminals
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, November 25, 2014
The grand jury in Clayton, Missouri, has spoken: Officer Darren Wilson was justified in shooting Michael Brown and there is no probable cause to indict. Fortunately for those nine whites and three blacks, their identities need never be known. They made a brave decision.
Prosecutor Robert McCulloch made a detailed statement of the evidence presented to the grand jury and promised to make it all public, but needless to say, no one was interested in evidence. In Ferguson, looters set fire to a whole block of businesses on West Florissant Avenue, and looted and burned dozens of other businesses. They burned the vehicles at an auto dealer. Police counted more than 150 gunshots during the night, and firemen were afraid to fight fires. There was protest in Manhattan, and looting in Chicago and Oakland.
Black “leaders” said the usual foolish things. Marcia Fudge, Democrat from Ohio and chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, says the grand jury decision “seems to underscore an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value; that you may kill Black men in this country without consequences or repercussions.”
Al Sharpton said the justice system is “deeply flawed” and “very suspect.” What else is new?
It is far more interesting that Barack Obama felt compelled to make an unusual evening statement to the press. What he said — after all, he is President of the United States — is actually more outrageous than the Fudge nonsense about how blacks can be killed with impunity.
Mr. Obama spoke for nearly 10 minutes, and spent about seven of them blaming the police. He said protesters have “legitimate issues of how communities and law enforcement interact,” and called anger over the refusal to indict “an understandable reaction.” He explained that Ferguson is an example of the “broader challenges that we still face as a nation.” He said he has “instructed Attorney General Holder to work with cities across the country . . . to train law enforcement so it conducts itself in a way that is fair to everybody.”
“This is not just an issue for Ferguson, this is an issue for America,” he explained, adding that the country can look forward to “tackling much-needed criminal justice reform.” “America isn’t everything that it could be,” he said sorrowfully, but “we can make progress not just in Ferguson but in a lot of communities and cities around the country.”
In other words, his friend Al Sharpton is right. The American justice system is deeply flawed.
The president did not have one word of criticism for Michael Brown. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to get high on marijuana and commit strong-arm robbery. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to punch a policeman. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to try to grab an officer’s gun. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to head towards a policeman who has already fired a few shots at you. People who do those things — whatever their race — have an excellent chance of being shot, and that’s exactly as it should be.
The president did pronounce the words, “there’s never an excuse for violence,” but he wasn’t talking about Michael Brown. He was asking angry blacks — who were already throwing bottles at the police in Ferguson — to direct their righteous rage in “constructive ways.”
Mr. Obama can instruct 1,000 Eric Holders go out and hold hands with police officers. He can spend the rest of his term moaning about “the broader challenges we still face as a nation” and “tackling much-needed criminal justice reform.” But what is the precise flaw in the justice system that caused Michael Brown to die? Or that caused the grand jury to fail to indict? If criminal justice is “broken” like the immigration system, why can’t Mr. Obama fix it with an executive order? Does the president even believe his own baloney?
The problem is violent criminals, not a “deeply flawed” justice system. This is dazzlingly, blindingly obvious to anyone not completely addled by a college education and MSNBC. Ordinary Americans understand this, and they will flood talk radio and dominate the comments sections on news sites. But you’ll be able to count on the fingers of one hand the elected officials or commentators who say anything about Ferguson that isn’t feel-good foolishness or outright anti-white nastiness.
This grand jury decision and its aftermath are like Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case, the Jena Six, Trayvon Martin, and a thousand other racial hoaxes and con games that are slowly but surely wearing out the patience of white people. Rudyard Kipling saw it coming: It was not part of their blood, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the Saxon began to hate.