Michael Brown’s Parents to U.N. Torture Panel: You Can Save Lives
NBC News, November 12, 2014
The parents of Ferguson police-shooting victim Michael Brown said they traveled to a United Nations session in Geneva to “get justice for our son.” A grand jury in Missouri will decide whether the white officer who shot the unarmed black teen will face any charges. While that panel hears evidence, Brown’s parents made their first overseas trip to testify before the U.N. Committee Against Torture.
In testimony on Tuesday, Brown’s mother, Lesley McFadden became emotional while his father, Michael Brown Sr. said he wished he could have put himself between his son and the bullets that killed him Aug. 9, setting off days of protest and unrest and drawing the attention of the Obama administration. “Whatever the grand jury decides in Missouri will not bring Michael back,” the father told U.N. panelists, according to NBC station KSDK. “We also understand that what you decide here may save lives.” {snip}