52% of Rapes in Rome Committed by Immigrants, 59% in Milan, 40% in Italy
Daniel Greenfield, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 26, 2012
“He was horrible, he had no teeth, his face disfigured by scars”. This is how one of the latest victims of rape in Milan, a businesswoman of 42, described her attacker, Mohamed K., 32, an Iraqi illegal immigrant already convicted for theft, assault and wounding. Last week, when she was going out to see a friend so they could prepare for Christmas, Mohamed K. followed her, caught her in a public garden where she had tried to hide, threw her to the ground, beat her and raped her on the spot while shouting “Filthy Italian bitch”, before fleeing and stealing her purse.
Immigrants account for only 6 percent of Italians, but for an impressive 40 percent of Italy’s rapes.
In Rome, immigrants are responsible for 52 percent of rapes. In Milan the number goes up to 59 percent.
In Bologna, 53 percent of the rapists were immigrants, of whom 11 percent were Moroccans.
Romanian immigrants still top rape statistics due to the huge number of Romanians who moved to Italy and make up nearly a fifth of its immigrants. But the Romanians do not make up more than a fifth of rape statistics in any city, meaning that despite the seemingly high numbers, Romanians are actually proportionally underrepresented in Italy’s rape statistics.
While there are nearly a million Romanians in Italy, there are only half as many Moroccans, but when it comes to rape statistics, Moroccans are only a few points behind Romanians.
Nationwide, 7.8 percent of rapists are Romanians and 6.3 percent are Moroccans, meaning that even though there are only half as many Moroccans as Romanians, they manage to account for only 1.5 percent fewer rapes.
Bologna has 6,200 Romanians and 3,400 Moroccans and Moroccans are responsible for 11 percent of the rapes and Romanians are responsible for 10 percent.
With statistics like these, it would appear that Italy doesn’t have a problem with sexual violence, it has a problem with Muslim immigration.